Communicate With Newborn Babies
Do you remember your baby's first cry? From birth, your baby has started to communicate.
At first, the crying of a newborn may seem like a foreign language to you. But before you can get out. You have learned that "language" and can meet every little need of your baby.
Baby communicate like?
Babies are born with the ability to cry, which is the way they used to communicate in the beginning
Soon you will be able to recognize the needs that your baby requires and have a compatible response

Your baby may also cry because of too many surrounding images and sounds. Or maybe crying for no reason at all. Don't be so upset when your baby cries that you can't understand and comfort him. Because crying is one of the ways babies relieve anger.
Crying is the main method babies use to communicate. But there are also more subtle forms and you need to know to increase the connection with your child
Baby can distinguish human voice and other sounds.

If your baby cries while in a crib, see if your sweet voice can stop crying quickly. Observe how your baby listens to you say love-filled words. Babies may not be able to combine seeing and listening. But even staring into space. Your baby may still be paying close attention to your voice. Babies can gently adjust their body position, facial expressions, or even move their arms and legs while you speak.
During the first month, sometimes you can observe the baby's light laugh.

How to understand baby?
When you hold your baby right after your baby is born. You and your baby have started communicating with each other at first sight, sound and touch. Newborn babies quickly learn about the world through their senses.
Later, your baby will gradually become accustomed to seeing you and will begin to focus on your face. At that time, touch and hearing were particularly important.
Your baby will become curious about the sound, but will be especially sensitive to the voice. Talk to your children whenever you can.

Communication is also a way to meet your baby's needs. Always respond to your baby's crying. Babies can't be spoiled just because they get too much attention. Indeed, responding promptly to your baby's crying indicates that they are important and worthy of attention.
There may be times when you have met all your needs, but your baby is still crying.

Usually babies have the same crying time every day, around mid-afternoon and midnight. Even though newborn babies are crying and uncomfortable. But when the baby is still healthy and cries more than three hours a day, more than three days a week and lasts at least three weeks, she is suffering from colic (crying can not find the cause). But this symptom will not last long. Most babies go away by the time they are about 3 months old.
You can try calming your baby.

What should you care about in your baby?
See your doctor if your baby seems to cry during irregular periods. If the crying is strange, or if the baby is accompanied by inactivity, anorexia, breathing or unusual activity. Your doctor may advise you or find the cause. Most likely nothing unusual has happened.

Here are some reasons why babies cry for a long time:
The baby is ill. When your baby cries more when being held or rocked, he or she may be sick. Call your doctor, especially if your baby has a temperature of 100.4ºF (38ºC) or higher.
Baby has eye irritation. Babies may have corneal abrasions or foreign objects in their eyes which may cause redness and tearing. Call a doctor.

The baby is in pain. Diapers or other objects can hurt your baby's skin. Be careful to look everywhere, even on your fingers and toes (hair can wrap around your fingers or toes and cause pain).
If you have any doubts about the baby's ability to see or hear. You should bring your baby to the doctor immediately. When needed, your baby can be tested with specialized equipment. Once the risk is detected early, it will be better treated.

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