Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are not nutritious food because they do not provide essential nutrients. And energy drinks can be the cause of many unpredictable diseases.
Energy drinks are becoming more and more popular. In the office, in the workplace, they are consumed to increase labor productivity. And at parties, they are used to dispel fatigue

. Even children and teenagers use energy drinks more often.
As recommended by doctors, users with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease .

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

minimize the use of energy drinks.
Most recently, a woman in Northern Ireland drank 28 cans of beef cattle per day, causing her to suffer from a number of quite serious diseases and at risk of blindness.
Lena Lupari lives in Newtownabbey, Antrim County, Northern Ireland, is addicted to energy drinks and she drinks energy drinks instead of drinking water every day. Every day Lena Lupari uses up to 28 energy drinks, equivalent to 7 liters of water and contains up to 3000 calories.
This 26-year-old girl weighs 165 kg, obesity, endoscopic hypertension, frequent headaches and eyes are at risk of gradually blindness. Only when she had a stroke and had to go to the emergency room at the hospital did she know the cause of her health harm.
Or another case is Choloe Leach (21-year-old student) died on the floor after drinking 4 cans of Red Bull and caffeinated beverages
The cause of her death was due to heart disease, she consumed too much caffeine.

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

According to the study, one can of energy drinks contains 80mg of caffeine, a large amount of taurine and stimulants. These substances with a small amount can temporarily dispel fatigue when you work with high intensity such as jogging, exercising ... but if used a lot, it will cause a series of harmful health diseases. The recommended level is that adults should only drink at most 1 can of energy drinks a day if working hard.
As recommended by doctors, users with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease ..

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

. minimize the use of energy drinks. In some cases, this drink can be aggravating and even fatal.
An energy drink contains 80mg of caffeine, a large amount of taurine and stimulants
Using a lot of energy drinks can cause the following dangerous diseases:
Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Stimulants, caffeine and cocaine in energy drinks in large amounts will increase the pressure on the heart. Since then, the cardiovascular system is severely affected, less able to prevent disease, leading to heart attacks and strokes if used too much at a time.
The researchers recently warned that a high-caffeinated energy drink alters the heartbeat and increases the potential risk of heart rhythm problems leading to death.
Clinical research shows that after about an hour of drinking energy drinks, the heart rate of healthy people has increased significantly. This means the blood-pumping chamber (left ventricle) must work harder after an hour of using energy drinks.

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

These are the findings of the study presented at the North American Society of Radiology (RSNA) annual meeting, posted on The Health website.

German scientists have studied the effects of caffeine and taurine energy drinks (like Red Bull) in 18 healthy adults aged 27.5 years on average. Each volunteer had a heart MRI scan one hour before and after drinking energy drinks containing taurine (400mg / 100ml ratio) and caffeine (32mg / 100ml).
The team tracked the cardiovascular activities of the volunteers after they drank the energy drinks. The results showed that contraction of the left ventricle (the part that received oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumped it into the aorta, and blood from the aorta distributed throughout the body) in these people increased to peak.
Dr. Jonas Dorner, a member of the Institute of Cardiovascular Imaging at the University of Bonn (Germany) said: “Up to now, we have not yet come to an exact conclusion about what effect of energy drinks on heart function is.

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

Usually taurine and caffeine are the main pharmacological ingredients of energy drinks and this amount of caffeine is three times higher than other caffeinated beverages such as coffee and cola.
Through this study Jonas commented: “There are many side effects related to high caffeine intake, including increased heart rate, heart palpitations like nervousness, increased blood pressure. Severe cases can result in seizures or sudden death. We don't know exactly what the consequences would be if this force of contraction was greater than with daily activity. We need more research to understand more about this mechanism and how long the effects of energy drinks last ".
Researchers did not find significant differences in heart rate, blood pressure or the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle before and after drinking energy drinks. However, Dr. Dorner warns that the potential risks to the heart when drinking energy drinks are still unknown.

Dangerous Effects Of Energy Drinks

Children as well as people with heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) should avoid drinking this drink, because of changes in contractions..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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