Dealing With Diet
There are many different diets: a high protein diet, a low fat diet, a whole vegetable diet, a carbohydrate diet ... Focus a lot on the diet, but sometimes you Still not figuring out what's good and bad for you?
Many people feel pressured to lose weight and try different diets. But if you really need to lose weight, improve your eating habits and exercise will help you more than any diet
Why are some people dieting?
People diet for a variety of reasons. Some people are having an unhealthy weight and need to pay more attention to their eating and exercise habits. Some people play sports because they want to achieve the best physical condition

Some dieters because they think they need to look that way. Movie actresses are usually very thin, as are most models. But this view is unrealistic to most - not to mention the physical damage caused by excessive dieting for models and stars.
By the age of 12 or 13, most girls start puberty with the necessary changes in their body: Wide hips, enlarged breasts, and maybe you don't look like girls on TV commercials or Journal. Boys also develop at different rates. Boys in fashion posters are also often in their twenties. Do not take the role model on advertising as a standard for you, then you must eat unhealthy diet and affect your development
Can diets become unhealthy?
Any diet with fewer calories than your daily needs, usually 800 calories a day, can be dangerous.

Do not use a diet that limits regular food groups. For example, if a diet does not allow you to eat bread, pasta, only fruit, then obviously it is not good. With such a diet, you will not get enough vitamins and minerals. You may lose weight, but then you will gain more weight quickly once you return to a normal diet.
Some people start dieting because they think all the problems in their life are because of body weight. Some people live in an environment with uncontrollable things, such as alcoholism, so they focus a lot on things they can control: exercise and food intake.

Some people go on a diet because they feel happy when they receive compliments from friends and family when they start losing weight. But gradually the body will reach a stable weight - and the weight will not drop much further because the body will try to maintain the appropriate weight. People in this situation eventually realize that they don't feel happier even when they lose weight.
Some people may find it very difficult to control their eating, so they try to go overboard for a while, but often after that they eat a lot. Some people feel guilty about overeating, they try to vomit or use laxatives. Eating too little (anorexia) or overeating (anorexia) are eating disorders, harmful to health. Someone with an eating disorder needs immediate treatment.
Illustration: Coping with diet (Image source: how to safely lose weight?
When you are a teenager, dieting can be dangerous because you may not get the right type and amount of nutrients, which can lead to developmental delays and other health problems.

The best way is to eat a variety of foods to meet your body's needs. Pay attention to eating more fruits and vegetables, cut back on fatty meats (such as burgers and sausages), greasy fried foods, and sweets, and drink more water instead of drinks sugary like soda or sports drinks.
If you are concerned about your body size or think you need to lose weight, talk to your doctor or dietitian who can reassure you that you are at a healthy weight. Or if you are overweight, they can sit down with you and determine the best way for you to achieve a healthy weight.
Great ways to get health
If you want to change your health habits, here are some very effective tips:
Do exercise! Find a sport.

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