Do Not Apply Heat To The Area After Giving Birth
Yesterday, when I was on duty, I was told there was 1 case of heavy bleeding after childbirth.
The patient, 3 weeks after cesarean section, was admitted to the hospital with blood drenched on a large diaper. Examination of the uterus was soft, blood flowing from the womb. After giving the medicine, the uterus becomes firmer and blood flow less. I asked the patient if he had any hot compresses on his stomach, but the patient said no, but then his family said yes
When pregnant and giving birth, women sacrifice many things, including a part of beauty:
During pregnancy, the uterus is as big as 3-4 fingers.
During pregnancy, the uterus dilates slowly into a very large mass near the delivery date.
After birth, the uterus shrinks but it takes nearly 2 months to get back to normal
Moreover, pregnant women tend to be "fertile", do not know how much "to have" but certainly the abdominal fat layer will be thicker.

So what to do to make your belly smaller after giving birth?
The uterus will contract by itself and take time, nothing you can do to change it.
Abdominal layer, then you must exercise with the exercises focused on the abdomen.
As for the subcutaneous fat, you know, you need to exercise and diet.
Why shouldn't hot compresses after birth?
Postpartum uterus must shrink to stop bleeding. When you apply heat to the abdomen, the uterus will also get hot, the blood comes more, the uterus contracts and loses bleeding.
Doing things that our grandparents used to do in the past has many things that are right, but there are many things that are not true
Be wise and ask your Obstetrician / Gynecologist for a safer postpartum care.

Wish you good health.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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