Do Not Lose Weight With Sweet Products
For people with a strong desire to lose weight, taking supplements (CBS) or supplements (TPCN) seems like a trendy and wonderful solution. If you are looking for CBS / TPCN to lose weight, you will not be short of options. In a split second, searching on Google or exchanging on Facebook can lead you to products that help you:
Curb cravings
Do it fast
Speed up metabolism
Slowing down the fat production process
Making the body does not absorb fat from food
Although most of these claims are not backed by rigorous scientific research, the manufacturers and sellers of these products still have good ways to build sophisticated advertising networks, Make wild promises about the effectiveness of the product that you still "believe in." People who lack medical knowledge are still easy to believe because these CBS / TPCN products are often packaged in pill, capsule, or powder form, saying "Drink after eating" .

Why are "weight loss pills" dangerous?
Many products like TPCN or CBS are harmless, and some may even be effective in burning fat, boosting metabolism, or creating a feeling of fullness (possibly because of taking too much medicine!). However, it should be noted that there are some common ingredients in weight loss products that have been banned by the FDA (USA) because of the harmful side effects such as increasing heart rate, hypertension, causing diarrhea, causing insomnia, kidney failure, liver damage or agitation. Please list some famous "painful lessons" as below.
Fenfluramine, one of the two active ingredients in weight loss pills under the Fen-Phen brand name, was recalled in the late 1990s after being found to be involved in cases of heart and lung damage.
After being widely sold as an ingredient in the diet, Chinese-derived ephedra was banned in 2004 because of evidence that its use may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. stroke. Despite the idea that ephedra could be used in low doses, the 2006 federal court of appeal restored the original FDA ban, highlighting the danger of ephedra when used as a substance

Products containing hydroxycut were banned and recalled in 2009 because of reports of serious adverse reactions, including hepatitis and jaundice. One customer died, and another had a liver transplant.
Sibutramine is a prescription drug sold as Meridia that was withdrawn from the market in 2010 after a clinical study indicated that this product may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. According to the National Institutes of Health, sibutramine was initially viewed as a solution to long-term appetite reduction and weight loss. The manufacturer voluntarily stopped production and withdrew this product from the market. However, there are still a number of TPCN / CBS that have "secretly" contained this banned substance.
Most recently, the FDA also found a number of products on the market such as CBS containing fluoxetine, the active ingredient in treating depression. Another product containing triamterene, a potent diuretic, can have serious side effects.

In addition, when trying to lose weight, you may accidentally abuse CBS / TPCN because:
Use more than the recommended dose
Use products not recommended for people with normal or underweight weight
Combining many stimulants to lose weight
Combine weight loss pills with laxatives or diuretics
Overdose can increase the burden on the liver, kidneys and organ failure. An overdose of stimulant products can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. Taking CBS / TPCN prevents fat absorption along with laxatives or diuretics that can cause diarrhea, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. In Japan, doctors are always wary of traditional medicines because in some traditional medicine scales, there is also active ingredient causing diarrhea or diuretic.
Learn about the product before use
One of the other risks of using over-the-counter CBS or TPCN is that you cannot be sure of the ingredients in the product. Many pharmacists in Japan say that there is no guarantee that each "medicine" capsule / capsule will have the exact ingredients and dosage on the label. This is because they are not strictly tested by government regulators such as the FDA (United States) or PMDA (Japan) and therefore do not guarantee quality and safety. Many manufacturers have been accused of making false claims about products, or for adding unsafe or even harmful active ingredients to the item.

Because manufacturers may NOT LIST "actually-banned" ingredients on labels, consumers will have no way of recognizing they are using harmful substances. The US FDA and Japan PMDA have published an updated list of harmful weight-loss products for their sight. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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