Do You Think Beef Eating Is Fat?
Beef is a very close food, popular on the tray of each family. Beef is processed into many dishes such as stir-fried beef, braised beef, beef noodle soup, beef vermicelli, beef hot pot ... So is beef fat?
Beef itself contains many nutrients, especially protein, through the skillful hands of housewives delicious dishes from cows with regional characteristics
Please, not at all: because apart from the protein in beef, there are amino acids and very small amounts of fat and cholesterone. For those who want to lose weight and keep fit, do not forget to add beef to the menu every day. Here are some methods to prepare delicious dishes from beef for your reference:
Nature flower soup cooked beef
Beef soup is a delicious dish that you should try
In the sultry weather of the summer, the tender beef soup is the perfect choice for your family's tray
Choose 250g fresh, fresh natural flowers, just pick, pick up the stems and fix it.

Then finely chopped shallots and then add 1.5 liters of water to boil. When boiling water add a spoon of seasoning and add beef (remember to remove the foam, leave the broth in) when the cow is cooked, the natural flowers to boil again.
Crocodile salad with beef
Crocodile salad with beef is a delicacy you can not ignore
The season of the crocodile is here, why do you hesitate without making talent for making beef salad for your family yet?
Use 300gr of washed, sliced beef, marinated with minced ginger, seasoning, salt, cooking oil
Select 100gr crocodile (thick rice cake), wash, thinly soak with garlic onion in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 within 15 minutes
Bring the vinegar to a boil, then add the vinegar and stir the beef quickly on the island.
Make sweet and sour sauce with lemon, fish sauce, sugar and water in a 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio
Then mix beef with pickled crocodile to advertise and beef.
Between the soft and sweet combination of beef and the sour sourness of crocodile this is definitely a very good dish for rice
Beef stir-fried with pumpkin
The young green zucchini reach out to catch the summer rains, what are you waiting for without thinking about beef stir-fried with pumpkin?
Cleanly sliced beef marinated with minced garlic, pepper, cooking oil, fish sauce to infuse spices
Choose young pumpkin, picked up (vegetable leaves should be lightly rubbed so as not to eat when being eaten), washed to dry
Heat non-fragrant garlic pan, add beef to the island until cooked, then plate.

Sweet and sour beef beef
This is an indispensable dish on Tet holiday of the brave housewives.
After selecting the freshest cow corn, we swear it clean and use corn to roll it tightly. So when the meat is not boiled, the piece is not drawn. Then boiled meat with star anise, cinnamon, lemongrass, seasoning ..

Boil to cool mixture of fish sauce, vinegar, sugar, filtered water.
Finally, you put the sliced beef into a clean glass jar, add crushed garlic, young lemongrass, fresh chili and pour the vinegar mixture into the meat.
Cows soaked for 2-3 days can be brought to use. Keep in the refrigerator compartment to cool for longer use.
The above dishes are small suggestions to help you enrich the menu of the family.

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