Food In The Kitchen Is Potentially Fatal
Dangerous toxins can "hide" in the foods that are considered delicious and have many health benefits that you eat every day.
Be the wisest chef
Cherry seeds
Like apple seeds, cherry seeds contain a type of hydrogen cyanide called a toxic prussic acid that is incredibly dangerous if ingested accidentally. Plum seeds and peaches are just as dangerous.
Rhubarb tree
Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which causes kidney stones. Eating too much of this leaf (about 5 kg) can be fatal
Nutmeg is actually a hallucinogen. 6 g of nutmeg can also cause seizures, which more can lead to schizophrenia.
The glycoalkaloids that accumulate in the leaves, stalks and sprouts of potatoes can cause cramps, diarrhea, headaches, coma and even death

Almonds come in 2 types: sweet almonds and bitter almonds. Bitter almonds contain a relatively large amount of the toxic hydrog cyanide. Just 7-10 bitter almonds can be dangerous for adults and fatalities in children.
Pure honey
Grayanotoxin in raw honey has not been treated with toxins, which can lead to dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting lasting 24 hours. Just 1 teaspoon of grayanotoxin can cause the above symptoms.
Tomato stems and leaves contain alkaline toxins that can cause stomach problems. Green tomatoes have similar effects

The danger in tuna is the mercury that the fish absorbs in the wild. If ingested, mercury can pass through the kidneys or to the brain, causing madness. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that tuna be not given to children and pregnant women. You should also not eat too much tuna to avoid mercury poisoning.
Cassava tubers
Cassava root is a tropical vegetable originating from South America that is popular in Africa when it is processed into a juice called Piwarry. However, the leaves and roots of cassava contain many cyanides that can kill you after just a few bites.
Unlike dried cashews sold in supermarkets, raw cashews contain the poison urushiol, a chemical also found in ivy. This chemical can be as harmful as Ivy.

Old ginger
Fresh ginger, after a few days of hot weather, is partly atrophied. We often regret them cheap and cut the dry skin to take advantage of the fresh looking parts. But this is a habit that should be completely eliminated because old ginger is a harmful food for your body. According to research, old or crushed ginger contains the very toxic substance shikimol. This is an active ingredient with very high toxicity that can cause changes in the liver cells of a healthy person, even though it can be absorbed very little.
Sprouted ginger roots also need to be removed, as they can produce a toxin that causes liver cell necrosis that causes cancer of the liver and esophagus.
Skin, eggs and internal toads
Although toad meat is believed to cure a number of rare children's ailments, in general it is still quite a dangerous food for humans.

This type of toxin can be called a poisonous toxin because it rapidly changes the liver cells of a healthy person, even though it can be absorbed very little. Then cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure. Exacerbation can lead to respiratory failure, apnea and death after a few hours if not promptly rescued. Some cases of toad meat poisoning and death after only 30 minutes.
Raw egg whites
Some people have the habit of eating raw eggs with the view that this is a nutritious method for the body. However, this diet should not be overused because of the fact that we do not absorb many of the nutrients in raw eggs and especially the whites.
In the whites of raw eggs, there are substances that interfere with the body's ability to absorb and damage the digestive function of the stomach.

Raw eggs, including egg whites, can be contaminated with bacteria and when eaten, they introduce large amounts of bacteria into the body to cause illness in humans.

Instant noodles
Instant noodles are among the world's top popular foods. With its quick cooking method, delicious taste and taste for almost everyone, instant noodles have become "a useful solution" for busy people. Therefore, although many times have been warned about the unpredictable level of danger from this food to human health, but not so that the consumption of noodles has decreased.
Scientifically proven, if you regularly use cup noodles. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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