Grow Your Trash Vegetables Into Clean Food
Instead of throwing the heads of onion, carrots, celery ... in the trash, you can grow them into clean vegetables for the family.
Once the garlic has sprouted, the buds are greenish bitter and difficult to cook anymore. Instead of throwing them away, you can put them in a glass with little water. The leaves that grow will have less odor than garlic and are ideal for salads, pasta, baked potatoes, salads or garnishes
To do this, take an old glass, put the sprouted garlic cloves in, and pour the water.

The garlic sprouted very quickly. Begin to harvest the leaves when 2-3 sprouted sprouts or about 8 cm high sprouts. Don't put more than 3 leaves per garlic.
Photo: wonderhowto

When peeling carrots, you usually remove the head. In fact, carrots grow very quickly if placed in a container with little water and gentle light absorption. Not only does you have an interesting decorative vase, but you can also put the green tops used as coriander into the soup, into the fruit juice. After 3 months of planting, they will produce tubers.
To do this, choose fresh, old carrots (not young). Cut the ends of carrots about 4 cm, put in a shallow container and face the cut side down. Pour water to infuse half of the bulb. Place the box by the window, balcony, where there is plenty of light.

Photo: wonderhowto.
3. Basil
Dip a few 10 cm long basil stalks in a glass of water and place it in direct sunlight. When the roots are about 5 cm long, you can plant them in pots. Change the water regularly and place in direct sunlight, at least 6 hours a day.
Photo: wonderhowto.

4. Scallions
In about 5 days, you can have a pot of scallions from used bulbs. Make it using fresh onions, cut about 1 inch (2.5 cm) and dip in a cup of water.
[Photo: wonderhowto.
5. Lettuce
If you still have the base of the lettuce plant, put it in a bowl, pour about 1 cm of water and place it by the window. After 2 weeks, new leaves will appear and from 3 to 4 weeks onwards, vegetables will be harvested.

Photo: wonderhowto.
6. Bok choy
Like lettuce, bok choy can grow by placing its head in water in a bright light. In a week or two, you can plant it in a pot of soil and it will grow like a new plant.
Photo: wonderhowto.
7. Onions
Plant discarded onion heads in a pot of soil, keep in a cool, shady place. You can either harvest the fresh leaves or wait until it develops into a new bulb.

Photo: wonderhowto.
8. Celery
Plug the celery root into a bowl with a little water. After 5-7 days, bring celery out and plant in the soil, keep in a light place. After about 3-4 weeks, the celery plant will surely grow lush leaves.
Photo: wonderhowto.

Cover the feet of mushrooms in soil mixed with organic fertilizers or coffee grounds. Keep it alive in cool, damp environment. Do the right technique and luckily, a few days later, new fungus will grow.
Photo: wonderhowto.
10. Cilantro
Like basil, cilantro will take root if placed in a glass of water. Once the roots are long enough, plant them in a larger pot of soil. After a few weeks new branches will grow and from there you will have continuous vegetables.

Photo: wonderhowto.
Phan Duong (theowonderhowto)
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