How To Add Fat For Overweight Children
The excess need in children makes many mothers and fathers wonder and worry. You need to know how to properly supplement nutrition for overweight children to help them eat and drink enough, but not to gain weight anymore.
How to add fat for overweight children
Overweight children still need to add beneficial fats like Omega 3, 6, 9, especially DHA and EPA. The total amount of fat provided through the daily diet should be 50% of the normal child's need.
Completely removing fatty foods from the menu is a parent's misconception when taking care of obese children
Overweight babies need healthy fats

Obesity is a condition in which the body accumulates too much fat due to an imbalance in energy, energy taken into the body exceeds the amount it consumes. The daily diet contains a lot of saturated fat, protein and starch is the main cause of this disease. In addition, children who are inactive, spend a lot of time playing games, watching TV also have a higher risk of overweight than normal children.
Nutritional supplements for children, first of all, mothers need to distinguish harmful fats (saturated fat, transfat, cholesterol) and beneficial (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, Omega, DHA, EPA). Tolerating too much harmful fat not only makes children overweight, but also causes cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer ..

Meanwhile, Omega 3, 6, 9 fats, especially DHA and EPA, have an important role in the physical and brain development of children, not excluding the obese group. In the early years of life, the lack of essential fats will affect the child's intelligence and cognitive ability such as distraction, frequent emotional changes, or irritability ...
Dr. Phan Bich Nga - Director of Nutrition Examination and Consultancy Center, National Institute of Nutrition.
For obese children, mothers need to pay attention to diet to overcome overweight, and provide adequate nutrients for physical and brain development. Children should avoid foods high in sugar, flour, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol (snacks, carbonated drinks, cakes, cakes, snacks, animal fats, coconut oil .

The total amount of fat provided to obese children through daily diets should be 50% of the age needs. In the menu for children, mothers need to limit fried and fried foods, increase foods containing beneficial fats, fiber, calcium, vitamins ... to overcome nutritional imbalance in children.

Omega 3, 6, 9, DHA and EPA are found in cold water fish, salmon oil, olive oil, soybean oil, unsweetened milk ... Special cooking oils from the age of onwards, may Provide enough nutrients necessary for the development of the child.
Causes of overweight obesity in children
1. The serving size exceeds the need
There are many factors that cause children to be overweight and obese, but the most important one is the excess portion of the diet, the excess fat, starch and sugar content. Scientists have also found that babies fed cow's milk have a higher risk of overweight and obesity than breastfed babies, because artificial foods are rich in protein and salt, increasing osmotic pressure, causing thirst, stimulate children to eat more.

In children, not only sleep is not good for health, but it also causes fat because it reduces the ability to digest fat (the process of fat loss is shown to take place most strongly at night while sleeping). Many studies at home and abroad have demonstrated a close link between short sleep duration and obesity in children.
3. Sedentary children have a high risk of obesity
Children who are sedentary all day just stay at home spending time in static activities such as watching television, playing video games, eating, and sleeping are also one of the causes of overweight. Parents must encourage their children to participate in physical exercises and sports to improve health and reduce headaches today.
4. Great weight at birth
Another factor that is too large a baby's weight at birth also affects overweight later. Because when pregnant, the mother makes an imbalance in the diet, creating an excess of nutrients, making the baby weigh more in the womb.

5. Child obesity is inherited
Although there is no evidence that genetics is linked to obesity, in fact, the risk of obesity in children will increase in children with obese parents, especially when both parents are. fat. There are also many studies that have proven, children 3-9 years old with malnutrition, stunting will have the risk of overweight, obesity 2-8 times higher than normal children. The reason may be that children with chronic malnutrition have low lean mass, basal metabolism and decreased physical activity. When provided with enough energy, children will accumulate fat very quickly.
Sudo Mother & Baby.
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