How To Eat Garlic Is Best?
Garlic is an indispensable spice in daily meals. Many people love this food because of its amazing health effects. However, if you use garlic the wrong way can lead to unpredictable dangers. So, how to eat garlic is best? Please follow our article to answer this question.
Garlic is a familiar spice in every family's kitchen
Use fresh garlic
Freshly crushed garlic produces more hydrogen sulfide, a gas commonly found in rotten eggs
Eating fresh garlic retains many better uses than dried garlic
Eat in sufficient quantities
High levels of hydrogen sulfide gas will become toxic. So, eating too much fresh garlic will be harmful to health

Use garlic 5-10 minutes after mincing
Garlic should be left in the air for 5-10 minutes and then use. By allicin substance if left in the air for a certain period of time will maximize its excellent use. At the same time, this approach helps enzymes in the air can enhance the beneficial nutrients in garlic. So, if you still have the habit of mincing garlic and use it immediately, change it.
Pay attention to the processing time to ensure the full use of garlic!
Cook garlic at just enough temperature
If you remove garlic at too high a temperature, allicin will be immediately disabled

Pickled old garlic
Pickled garlic is one of the great foods to help lower cholesterol in the blood, preventing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Because the acids in vinegar will stimulate the pharmacological composition of garlic to help blood vessels dilate by dissolving proteins, thereby preventing the risk of atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels.
Do not eat garlic for a long time or sprout
Garlic for a long time or sprouting all have adverse effects on health, can even lead to poisoning. Many cases of hospitalization for garlic poisoning, then you will feel extremely hangover and discomfort, if not promptly handled can lead to death.
Do not eat garlic to sprout will be harmful to health
Do not eat garlic when hungry
Doctors often recommend not eating garlic when you are hungry. Because allicin in garlic can cause stomach upset, it can cause stomach upset. Long-term, can lead to gastric ulcer phenomenon.
Do not eat garlic when you are taking anticoagulants
Garlic is considered to be the best natural remedy for treating circulatory disorders and has very good anticoagulant properties.

Stop eating garlic when you have diarrhea
Garlic is the essence of patients with diarrhea. If you eat garlic in this case, the intestinal mucosa will be severely damaged, possibly even leading to bleeding that has a serious health impact.
Low blood pressure
If your blood pressure is low, do not eat garlic. Because this food is recommended that if used can reduce blood pressure harmful to health.
Patients with low blood pressure should say no to garlic
People with liver and kidney disease should not eat garlic
The antibacterial properties of garlic are excellent but ineffective against the virus of hepatitis and kidney. People with a history of liver disease should say no to this food, because the spicy taste of garlic has a very strong stimulating effect on the stomach and intestinal tract.
Hopefully, through the above article, you will have more experience in using garlic appropriately.

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