How To Teach Children Not To Leave Excess Rice
Adulthood is the period when children form many habits. If you form a good habit, it will be beneficial for your life in the future. Japanese people pay great attention to educating children to save food, how much they cook, how much parents cook, the more their children will eat, if parents cook a lot, they are not allowed to leave the waste. must eat it all. Although this way of education is somewhat harsh, but it shows the importance of not giving up excess rice, leaving excess rice and bad habits that cannot be forgiven
How to teach children not to leave excess rice
Why do children give up rice?
Not giving up rice is a good habit that should be formed from a young age. Usually, the reasons children leave excess rice are often:
EAT NOT IN moderation.
Before eating, children have eaten too many junk foods, often eat little or no food at the main meal

Adults often love to use attractive foods to persuade children to do what they want. That is also one of the reasons why children eat in moderation.
Adults must form a habit for children not to leave excess rice from an early age. We can refer to the following methods:
When children leave excess rice, adults can act as if nothing happened and keep the baby rice so that until dinner we take out the leftover rice and show the child that leaving excess rice is a very habit. wasted, because the leftover rice can not be eaten anymore

Adults must create a cheerful and amiable atmosphere when eating. You can use bowls, plates, chopsticks, spoons ... with pictures of your favorite young characters. The food should pay attention to ensure full color, flavor, and increase appetite in children.

Adults should create conditions for children to observe the actual working process, even be able to directly participate in the work, so that they are aware that they must respect the achievements of labor, not waste food.
If there is time, adults can use conversation or game play to let them forget about snacking. In addition, increased intensity of exercise also contributes to increase the amount of food when eaten.
Not eating well is a bad habit that affects your health. Parents should pay attention to building a healthy eating habit from an early age. Eating in moderation can then develop a healthy body. To achieve the goal of "healthy development", every effort should be made to eat and drink in moderation.
Outward remittance:
When eating rice, do not let children leave too much rice and food.
We can cook less and overcooked rice many times to prevent children from leaving excess rice, and at the same time must educate children to appreciate food. Establishing good eating habits is not easy, but takes a long time. Experts say that it is certain to form a saving habit for children from an early age, guide children in their daily actions, form a saving habit, prevent children from leaving excess rice when eating.
Sudo Mother And Baby.
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