Lesson 1 – Give Your Child A Good Start
The first concern of pregnant mothers is how to give birth to a healthy baby. When you are not pregnant, your eating and drinking experience may be secondary, but when you are pregnant, eating and drinking become "very important", although there are many factors affecting the formation and development of your body. of the fetus. So, how is it called good or "abnormal"?
Some information about "abnormal" weight during pregnancy may help you.
If the mother is obese, the fetus is implicitly “oversupply” and is also likely to become enlarged, related to later onset of diabetes
Tips: If you are overweight or obese, you need to lose weight before you intend to get pregnant by dieting or exercising. Should consult nutritionist, obstetrician about diet and exercise. More important is weight control during pregnancy
Malnutrition (or fetal growth retardation) in the womb due to poor maternal feeding is less likely.

Tip: If your baby is underweight but not premature, most will catch up with proper care. Therefore, when the fetus shows signs of malnutrition, you must definitely have a routine pregnancy check-up according to the follow-up doctor's appointment, looking for possible causes for prenatal preparation.
For both obese and malnourished children: breast-feeding is the optimal solution in raising children. It is the mother's love that is an important factor in caring for children, not eating and drinking.
Absolutely beneficial if right method. In addition to keeping you healthy, your unborn baby is healthy, exercising also helps limit some conditions in pregnancy due to excessive weight gain
Advice: should train every day about 30 minutes.

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