Lesson 11 – Pumping Sperm Into The Uterus
It's easy, take the sperm, pump it into the uterus, it's all over!
This sentence stumbled upon one patient's sister advising another patient. Listening to me, it's easy, it reminds me of the book "about cats teaching seagulls flying". I mean sometimes it's easy or difficult, depending on whether the information source I receive is complicated or not. And I like everything soothing, so I took the time to rewrite the easy - difficult; difficulty - ease of pumping sperm into the uterus (Intrauterine insemination - IUI).
First of all, let's learn the arduous journey for the sperm to meet her beloved egg (please see the picture to understand the technical terms)
The process of sperm encountering an egg
First, after a rigorous selection, her egg crowned "Miss". She "fall" into the oviduct, lying waiting for the Marshal of his heart.
As for him, after a "cloudy" moment of his master, he was launched directly into the vagina, and began his life as a soldier

The race consists of the following strokes: the vagina - cervix - uterus - fallopian tubes - and back to the uterus. On this journey, those guys "not qualified - poor health" were killed mercilessly (only - because of being weak, she lost her). The best guys will come to the final destination with "beauty - egg". Perhaps like the final round of beauty pageants, she would choose a guy who was both handsome and smart enough to make her vibrate. She and he hold hands to lead each other on the domain of happiness, forming little embryos. As a result of this love, the oviduct is brought back to the warm uterus, implanted, and developed into a cute baby for kissing.
Based on this natural process, the surgeon imitates the "young couple" to meet each other in a way that creates some difficulties
Disorders of ovulation (her temperament is erratic, she sometimes falls off, she likes to fall out, she doesn't fall to her appointment, she probably has the right to be beautiful)
The sperm is weak and weak, a little bad
The cause is unknown (ie do not know why, after the basic infertility examination, the couple is normal)
What does the doctor do?
Determine whether your ovulation will occur with or without medication (more effective medication).

Get the sperm of the filtered husband, leaving only the elite warrior.
Using specialized tools, the best boys will be put into the uterus.
Do that for what?
Is there a phrase "best distance - second speed" do you remember? This method meets both of those criteria.
About the distance: he was favored to reduce some challenges, closer to her.
About the speed: after washing the sperm, the sick and pale men were eliminated, only those who were healthy could use it.
Technically, it's easy, if not too easy. "Art" is how things work out so well that the following difficulties must be solved:
Doctors using the drug must be experienced and monitor, if not too many eggs develop, leading to multiple pregnancies (from 2 or more pregnancies), rather than ovarian hyperstimulation.
Must wash the sperm.

Specialized instruments are required to prevent uterine damage.
The right, gentle action to make sure sperm is inserted into the uterus.
After the sperm is pumped into the uterus, the rest is from the sperm, who move themselves to the fallopian tubes and look for the eggs; proposed to her and led each other to find peace. Only the first stage is supported, so the success rate of this technique is only about 15-20% (provided that the right technique and ensure the right object). Therefore, the difficulty - easy also from here. When trying to perform when the sperm is too weak, when the fallopian tubes are blocked ..

What do I need to note?
Only one thing: should go to reputable facilities. Do not because of the ease of accepting that you can skip the basic survey steps necessary, or be afraid of the trouble of current regulations. Children are a great and important thing in everyone's life, protect yourself and your children.
After pumping sperm, I just kept on living normally because the truth is, the more comfortable I am, the easier it is to get pregnant. If someone "advises" you lie motionless, eating this and that, abstaining from things or other things, that person makes it difficult for you, absolutely do not listen.
It's not easy to form a fetus, so before you decide to have an abortion, think twice.

When expecting children, check in prestigious facilities.
When sperm injection is indicated in the uterus: ask your doctor to explain the procedure. Usually, from the start of the drug to sperm injection about 2 weeks. You need to arrange work, time to properly follow the steps of monitoring and treatment.
After pumping sperm: the more fun, the better the natural; eating and living as usual.
Wish you receive good news after 2 weeks of waiting..

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