Lesson 13 – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
What is polycystic ovary?
It's easy, "poly" is too many - so polycystic ovary means the ovary has many follicles.
But life is not so simple - in fact it is a thousand times more complicated.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is called polycystic ovary syndrome. If you type "polycystic ovary" on Google, you have about 553,000 results in 0.4 seconds
Why do I have polycystic ovaries?
The answer is "unknown"

Why are so many people suffering from polycystic ovaries now?
No, this pathology has been described long ago - since the 18th century. But perhaps, due to improved living standards, many women have access to better health care and information. easier to talk to so "feeling" more people. The percentage of polycystic ovaries is about 5-10% of women of reproductive age.
How do you know if you have polycystic ovary syndrome?
When I learned about polycystic ovary, I pictured a typical woman of this syndrome with the sentence from her high school lesson "she has the beauty of a man who is not beautiful." But when doing reality, many patients with polycystic ovary are also extremely beautiful

Some typical characteristics are as follows:
Light or no menstrual periods (disorders of ovule release) Is called sparse when the number of periods in a year <8 times, or cycles> 35 days. Amenorrhea means that there is no period for more than 6 months and it is necessary to take medicine to get it. Approximately 80% of polycystic ovarian patients develop this condition, which means that more than 20% of menstrual periods are normal.
Manifestations of hormonal disorders: hirsutism, acne, oily skin, male baldness (due to increased Androgen). To determine, the doctor will test the hormones needed for evaluation.
Obesity: Characteristics of patients who are likely to gain weight and obese (common abdominal obesity). However, there are also very slender patients. So see who is a little round do not rush to "judge" polycystic ovaries lest the sadness piling up.

Ultrasound shows the image of polycystic ovaries: the criteria for evaluating polycystic ovaries are definite, not merely seeing "a lot of" and diagnosing. You also do not rush to bewildered why this doctor said "polycystic already - infertility", while other doctors woke up "it's okay - normal". To accurately need the vaginal reclining ultrasound, abdominal reclining ultrasound is easy to mistake. But if "missed" is eligible for multi-cystic imaging diagnosis on ultrasound and the menstrual cycle is normal, full-fledged, without clinical hormonal disorders ... well, don't try to "trace the leaves to find the depth", let the peace be a butterfly. In contrast, not all patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have images of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, so don't "just go away, leave me alone" for an accidental minute.

What are the effects of polycystic ovaries?
Long-term effects include:,, cardiovascular disease. These "items" can completely screen for early diagnosis and timely treatment by periodic health examinations. Moreover, these pathologies are mostly related to many other factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, family factors ... so it is not necessary to lose sleep and sleep thinking about whether or not you have had cancer. not yet. My life is limited, if I lose sleep and sleep because some marshal is more fun.

The most, most important to me because of my daily work, is infertility - infertility. The concept of "having a new menstrual period" gives birth to patients with polycystic ovaries with a heavy sense of guilt and sadness. From now on, I think differently with positive thinking "my eggs are immense." Because endocrine disorders make problems with "her crowned egg queen", the sperm did not know when and where to find her. If you wait longer than 1 year to get pregnant, you need to go to a fertility clinic for help.
How to treat polycystic ovaries like?
Treatment for all BTN - unfortunately not done yet. But it is okay to treat some big and small problems caused by BTN.
Losing weight: both beautiful and easier to have children if you are expecting.

Surgery: it is a method of laparoscopic surgery to burn the ovaries. This method is suitable for young patients, short time expectation. However, besides surgical complications, ovarian spot burning also causes concern about reduced ovarian reserve due to destruction of healthy tissue. Therefore, not all patients need surgery, and the surgeons to perform must be well trained and skilled.
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