Lesson 2: The Journey Of Pregnancy – The Magical Journey
After the egg and sperm are fertilized in the fallopian tube, the embryo moves into the uterus, implants and divides. Germs form in you - a tiny germ of xiu, much smaller than a bean. In the uterus, cells divide and form placenta to feed the tiny embryo. At this point, you may notice some "different" symptoms of nausea, indigestion, changes in taste (or a bitter feeling in the mouth), fatigue, etc. These signs differ from woman to woman, from time to time
Morning sickness is a sign that your baby is in you. This usually happens in the morning (so called "morning sickness"), sometimes lasting all day but rarely

Baby developmental milestones
Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period, and the expected date of birth is the 40th gestation day. Not sure the date of birth will be the birth of the baby. Sooner than 1-2 weeks is still normal. Obstetricians usually divide the pregnancy into three milestones (called trimesters) to monitor the baby's development.
4 - 7 weeks pregnant
Fetal cardiac activity is the first thing that helps you realize life is forming. At 7 weeks, the average baby is about 1cm long. The ear and eye formation begins. Hands and feet are very small, and gradually develop (personal feelings: the heart is the first activity of each person, so it is necessary to use love to live, but if the limbs first formed, the war would be constant).

8-11 weeks pregnant
Arms, legs, nose, mouth, and brain develop at a very fast pace. The mother's body also began to change. To feed your baby, the blood in your body can be twice as much (mother is great). You need to drink at least 2 liters of water during this period. More blood comes to the uterus, the uterus gets bigger so it "squeezes" the bladder a little, which can cause a little trouble that you urinate more often.
12-15 weeks pregnant
During this stage, the baby's brain can control the baby's limb movements. He can swallow, suck fingers. At this stage, morning sickness symptoms begin to fade.

Pregnancy 16-19 weeks
You have the feeling that something is moving - that baby's movement! Communication between mother and child began to become clearer. In addition, babies begin to feel the ambient sounds and mother's voice. Sometimes you notice sweating, rapid breathing, a slight increase in body temperature - don't worry if the signs are fleeting and aren't getting worse.
20 to 23 weeks pregnant
Babies are like acrobats, move more. This stage is suitable for children and fathers to "talk" to each other.

24-27 weeks pregnant
The baby's face gradually became clear. At the end of the 7th month, babies can open their eyes and distinguish between light and dark. Both baby and mother gain weight fast at this stage. Mom can increase from 0.5 to 1 kg per week, physique is no longer the "physique of the old days" - becomes heavier, walking is also slower.
28-31 weeks pregnant
Babies continue to grow, recognizing their mother's voice more clearly. Babies swallow amniotic fluid (it must be as sweet as breast milk).

32-40 weeks pregnant
The last two months of pregnancy, you are only thinking of giving birth. Your baby is low and can make you feel pain in your pelvic area. You need to have the necessary supplies ready for delivery, as your baby may be born earlier than expected.
The journey of pregnancy - the beginning stage of the journey to motherhood. Magical, sacred, hard, arduous ...

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