Lesson 25 – Preparations When Considering Having Another Baby
As your first child begins to grow, when at home the story of another baby begins to shuffle, you will ask yourself "is this the right time?". I will answer this question about medical issues.
How long is the interval between births ideal?
Many documents recommend that the gap between the first birth and the pregnancy after 18 months is best for the mother and the baby. When this distance is less than 18 months ,, increased. On the other hand, the mother's body needs nutrition and physical recovery time so if pregnant is too early, the mother's body may not be ready, especially in the case of cesarean section
The 18-month gap is, of course, not ideal for all. If, this gap is proposed to be reduced to 12 months. Best of all, when thinking about having more children, you need to care:
You are really ready

Talk to your doctor about your health, medical history, and family history to determine the appropriate length of time.
It is best to wait until your period returns to stop the contraception, because when the menstrual cycle is active again, the pregnancy is more active, the pregnancy age is relatively more accurate.
Is your body ready?
If you see enough "energy" then this is already half fine. The truth is that "the next pregnancy will be more tired than the previous pregnancy", the reason is because you are older, taking care of one or more babies first should be tired enough even if you are not pregnant. So keep these things in mind when deciding to get pregnant again:
Health check before pregnancy.
Adjust your weight within the ideal range (based on BMI - already taught how to calculate it for you).
Take a vitamin supplement, and don't forget 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before getting pregnant at least 1 month
If a cesarean section is performed, the baby should be considered at <9 months of age.

What is the difference between the next pregnancy and the first pregnancy?
Posture of "pregnant women" sooner, faster belly, because abdominal muscles are used to stretching so "adapt" faster.
You feel your baby pedal earlier, and it seems like they kick more, certainly they rarely move more than they really are, because you are used to it and feel better.
Physiological mound earlier
The feeling of chest is less painful than the first pregnancy.
What are the things to keep in mind?
If a previous pregnancy has a health problem, such as,, low birth weight, ... the risk of this pregnancy increases, meaning it is more likely to repeat.
About preterm birth, low birth weight babies: screening for possible causes for prevention.

Regarding gestational diabetes: make sure the pregnancy monitoring doctor tells you this to have an appropriate pregnancy monitoring plan. 6 weeks after giving birth, you need to have your blood sugar tested, your blood pressure checked to see if you can use it continuously, the right diet and exercise.
Do not forget to prepare the existing child
When will you tell your child that you are going to be an elder? If your baby is old enough to understand, you should happily inform your baby about 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, because after this time, the risk of miscarriage has decreased. For younger children, it can be said many times, and as your belly gets bigger, you can explain relatively easily about the presence of another baby in the near future. Experts say that every mother has the ability to recognize the right time, because only the mother knows her child best.

In any case, when telling this child, you need to emphasize that you still love them, and nothing can change that. To let your baby feel that you still care about your baby, "entice" your baby to participate in monitoring the development of the fetus, such as baby kicking, baby images on ... Building a sibling relationship right from the moment you Being pregnant will help your baby realize that this is a happy thing, and the baby in the womb is someone who will love, engage with her throughout life. Let's start with a few things:
Join me to name.
Tell your child some "rights" when they have them: teach them to learn, teach them to play, protect them ..

Read books like "how to be a" good brother / sister.
Along shopping for children supplies, let your baby choose some dishes.
A baby is about to be born, meaning that it will appear at the same time that happiness will "bring" new worries and burdens. Even if you are perfectly healthy physically and mentally, your previous pregnancy is going well, do not be too subjective but ignore necessary tests and exams before and during pregnancy.
Before I finish, I have a little question. Why, whenever people get married, people always ask "when will they have children?" and when you "answer" with a child, immediately the next question will be "when will there be more children"..

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