Lesson 38 – Eating Something Can Help With Pregnancy
Lifestyle, diet really related to fertility. Previously when the patient asked this question, I did not give any specific food that could support the patient expecting a child, maybe when the patient came to the Reproduction Support Center, the only wish was "How to get pregnant quickly - by choosing a specific treatment method".
Up to now, there has not been any practical guide on nutrition for couples expecting children. This article is also just a summary of information about the nutrients - supposedly - beneficial for fertility is that true or not?
Or heard, often have Vitamin E, vitamin C, omega-3. Further, L-arginine, N-acetyl-cysteine

Vitamin B
The most potential is folate (or folic acid) and vitamin B12. Folic acid has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus and is used extensively. About the effect of improving fertility is less talked about. However, the new research supports folic acid to support pregnancy. Folic acid can be in multivitamins for pregnant and lactating mothers, or separately. Use of folic acid has the ability to shorten conception time in women expecting children.
For infertility treatment, patients receiving folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation prior to treatment had better egg and embryo quality, and a higher survival rate than patients who did not use it

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is currently very "hot" because more and more of its effects are recorded. For reproduction, vitamin D is related to eggs, endometrium, placenta, has the ability to "fix" problems related to ovulation, the development of eggs. Women who have had a miscarriage before 10 weeks have lower blood levels of vitamin D than patients who have never had a miscarriage.
For infertility patients, the rate of pregnant patients after IVF in patients without vitamin D deficiency is 4 times higher than patients with vitamin D deficiency. Especially in patients with PCOS, supplementation with vitamin D can be done. increased chance of getting pregnant.
In tropical countries like Vietnam alone, especially the South, it is sunny all year round but it still lacks the usual D viatmin.

Fatty acids
It plays an extremely important role in the early stage of embryo formation and development, especially embryo nesting. It is still controversial about the role and effects of fatty acids, but the final conclusion is that using less fatty acids, like omega-3s, uses less trans fatty acids (a form of unsaturated fat). ) beneficial to women's fertility.
Dairy products
Dairy products contain galactose and the ability to contain estrogen should theoretically be considered detrimental to women expecting babies. However, women who compared 3 or more glasses of milk per day compared their risk of infertility with no milk. There is no evidence that dairy or dairy products are associated with infertility due to non-ovulation.

Meat, fish, soy
The amount of red meat (such as beef), or white meat (such as chicken) is currently unrelated to fertility, however, it is recommended to limit red meat for many other health reasons.
Fish is very good for pregnant mothers, it is only recommended that in polluted water sources, especially industrial waste, there is a risk of fish meat containing mercury, lead ..

The most interesting are soy and soy foods. The effects of soy are similar to many other foods, sometimes recommended, sometimes limited due to the likelihood of harm, sometimes saying nothing related, eat comfortably. Up to now, the victory is on the "support" side, which is beneficial for patients who expect their children, including patients treated for infertility.
A healthy diet is full of nutrients and diversity. There is no magic food to help you get pregnant right away, so don't worry. Nutritional supplements are not a substitute for treatment if you have real reproductive problems. So now, the answer to what the patient should eat is clearer, but reiterate that "this information cannot replace the necessary interventions.

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