Lesson 42 – Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A “father And Child”

Why always have to "be with" his wife when she's pregnant?
Pregnant women who care, worry and care will tend to live positively or better, have less anxiety and depression, from which the baby will be born healthier, the rate of premature birth, low birth weight babies lower (men are really important). You can look up materials or apply for prenatal courses, along with her choose good living habits.
How long does her pregnancy last?
A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks - counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Typically, people divide the pregnancy into 3 stages, each stage of about 3 months.
What should be noted in the first 3 months?
During the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers are often tired, want to rest more, they may vomit, often in the morning

. At this stage, they are also easy to change their feelings, suddenly happy and sad. They may worry about a new phase of their life. What you need to do is sympathize, comfort, listen

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

What to note in the 3 months between pregnancy?
This is the strongest period of pregnancy (around 14-27 weeks). She felt better, decreased or no longer vomiting, her emotions were more stable. In particular, she can feel the baby's movements. You can ask her to let her "enjoy" the wonderful emotions when the baby moves and bounces in her belly. You can start to learn about childbirth courses, infant care, etc. with her

What to note in the last 3 months of pregnancy?
She will be very tired, very uncomfortable and heavy.

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

She has trouble sleeping, walking slowly ... This is also a busy time for the baby's birth, so she may be worried. You remember the extra worry!
What do I (and my wife) need to do during pregnancy?
Ensure a healthy diet, full of nutrients.
Help her have more time to rest
Exercise with her
Avoid harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol ...

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

All of these things help keep your baby healthier and safer.
May I smoke?
If you smoke, even if she does not smoke, it can be dangerous if you smoke your smoke. The risk for the baby if she only inhales smoke: low birth weight, respiratory infections, lung damage, even sudden death. So don't smoke at home, in the car, when she's with you, quit as often as possible.
When a wife is pregnant, can the couple be "close"?
It is generally possible, however, for consultation with the attending physician. In some cases there may be a risk of pregnancy effects such as vaginal bleeding, the risk of preterm birth ...

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

Please note that sometimes she may be uncomfortable when having sex. You need to be very gentle, gentle, and choose the appropriate posture.
What do I do to prepare for her birth?
Get to know the hospitals: the wife's delivery room, where you can be while taking care of her, how to eat and drink; whether you can take photos / videos while she is in labor or cesarean section; care services, vaccinations for newborn babies ...
Chairs for newborns if you take them home after birth, how to remove the chair ...

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

You must also take care of your health, vaccination against infectious diseases, learn how to wash your hands clean when looking after your baby. These few people notice, is considered small but extremely important.
When my wife goes into labor - what can I do?
At the start of labor: take a short walk (if your doctor says it is okay), talk to her, relax her.
When she hurts a lot: encourage and encourage her; in between bouts, if you are allowed around you can gently massage her to help her relax. Try to stay calm (although a bit difficult), if she is a little "not" because of the pain, then gently encourage her.
If she had a cesarean section and you couldn't be in the operation, reassure her that she was worried by a lot of medical staff. Usually, after a few minutes of surgery, she will need to recover in the recovery room, you will see her (except in some cases where she needs special care after birth).
How long after birth / surgery can I take my wife and children home?
If normal birth: after 1-2 days
If cesarean delivery: longer, about 3-5 days.

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

How do I know if my wife has depression after childbirth?
Depression usually appears about 1 week after birth. Pay attention to whether your wife has the following signs: sadness, prolonged anxiety, feeling useless, not taking care of the baby and herself, changing diet (too much or too much little ..), afraid to be alone when taking care of the baby ... If stress, anxiety lasts> 1 week, you should go with her to the doctor for examination and treatment.
When my wife breast-feeding, can I help?
Yes, even if your baby is breastfeeding, you can support a lot:
Hold your baby after he finishes feeding
Pat your baby's back or lull your baby after feeding
Breastfeed if your mother expresses milk to the bottle.

Lesson 42 - Quickly Answer Questions With Someone Who Is About To Become A

How long after birth can I be "close" to her?
Depending on your spouse, the doctor advises about 6 weeks because after this time her body will recover. However, for many reasons, she may or may not want it, so let her decide.

A partner’s guide to - Patient education FAQs - ACOG 2016.

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