Lesson 50 – Tests To Be Done During Pregnancy
Testing is an important part of pregnancy monitoring. I'm most afraid to meet mothers at the opposite extremes:
One is, "give everything to me, whatever you consider, you can have enough";
The second is "Yes, no matter what your children will keep, they don't need it".
Are you pregnant with a blood test?
Very stars, the stars point the way you need to go, to screen and diagnose abnormalities of the mother and child. As long as the time is right, the right direction. Sometimes I also panic before a series of tests do not know what to do when the patient brings counseling
Important tests according to the stage of pregnancy
Newly pregnant: CBC, blood type, HIV, Hepatitis B (+/- virus C), Rubella.
: Zika virus has passed season so no one noticed, currently not routine testing if there are no risk factors (for example, you or your husband has traveled to endemic areas).
Double test is about 11-12 weeks pregnant

Some special diagnostic tests:, NIPT,. These types of tests in our country are not performed for all patients but will need to be explained and advised by doctors when needed.
Screening: performed at 24-28 weeks gestation. Eat a lot, eat sweet, drink sugarcane juice, eat for two people, eat feast ..

: is a bacteria in the vagina and rectum, almost no symptoms. A mother infected with GBS can infect an unborn baby during pregnancy, causing harm to the baby. The test is performed during 35-37 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor drains the vaginal and anal fluid for testing.
Ultrasound of pregnancy, you see more post
I recommend that you complete the tests as your doctor prescribes. The test does not have to be a reason for an abortion (you decide to leave it or not). Get tested to find out what health problems your child and himself or herself have to prepare for the next life. Do not let the unexpected come, because in fact, sometimes fully complete there are still unexpected surprises.

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