Millet Seeds Have Any Effect On The Body?
Millet seeds originated in India, then introduced into Vietnam. In our country millet seeds are grown mainly in the Northern Delta (Hai Duong, Ninh Binh, Hanoi, Bac Ninh ...), this is also one of the cereals used as a fairly common food
Millet is a very nutritious nut
Statistics also have many other names such as cottage Me, Bach Luong Su, Coc Coc. Millet is an easy plant to grow but has a very high nutritional value. The main nutritional content of millet seeds is 73% starch, 11% protein, 2% fat, 11% water, and lots of vital vitamins, minerals and nutritious vitamins for human body

Millet seeds have no effect on the body
Millet contains the most vitamins B1, B2, E, A, millet protein as good as fish meat. Minerals like lime, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper ... have a lot compared to other foods. Millet contains lecithine and choline to help nourish the brain for humans, maintain brain cells, enhance memory and reduce the aging process,
Millet contains glutamic acid, a substance that enhances memory but not all foods have it

When eating millet porridge, it also cure stomach disease, stomach upset, urination. Millet seeds have a neutral effect, good for kidneys, healthy body except for heat, detox and refreshment. Mainly used for heat damage, stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea and water shortage. Use roasted millet seeds and boil drinking water to cool down and treat dysentery.
Millet porridge cure stomach disease
People who have stomach aches and have millet daily deficiencies will also be good for the stomach. Help clean the oral cavity, prevent bad breath due to the use of slowing the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. Against fungi on the body. In addition, millet cures chest pain, cholera and fever.

Millet is very good for pregnant women
Millet seeds rich in amino acids, silicon helps pregnant women prevent miscarriage and vomiting each morning.
People also brewed millet yeast to make millet wine and make many delicious cakes.
Millet bread delicious and nutritious
Some prescriptions are good for health
Children suffering from citrus, poor digestion use 100gr millet and a few slices of sufficiently grated bulbs to cook into porridge to eat.
For people with pulmonary tuberculosis, low temperature, sweat sweating, hot bone: take plastic millet cooked into porridge to eat the above situation will be improved.
When the spleen is weak, indigestible, abdominal pain, vomiting: millet powder mixed with thick paste, the tablet is distilled with a little salt. Each time to eat 30 to 50 tablets, can add a little salt when eating or eating with soup.
People with burning burns or boiling water burns: use star millet until the color changes, then crush and then mix with alcohol to cover the burn will be cool skin and fast from.
Poor digestion leads to insomnia: using 25gr of millet seeds + 10gr of semi-processed, semi-decoction of these two types to drink because millet contains metatonin that helps calm the mind and cause drowsiness.

When the mouth is dry, the stomach is hot, the urination is dry: using millet seeds to cook porridge for a long time, the condition will be significantly improved.
Millet seeds to cook for a long time improves dry mouth, hot intestines
The elderly are physically weak, women lack postpartum milk: cook millet porridge with red sugar or sweet potatoes (50gr each) to eat hot in the morning and evening.
Millet porridge is very good for the elderly and pregnant women
In addition, you can cook millet porridge with chicken to increase the quality of the dish, change the taste and nutritional content will also increase.
People suffering from heat stroke, heat stroke, nervous palpitations, heart palpitations, jerky limbs: cooking millet porridge with bamboo chlorophyll juice to eat.
Note: Do not eat millet with almonds to avoid vomiting and diarrhea.
Above are the uses and some remedies related to millet that have been synthesized, hoping to help you in your life. Visit the website for more useful information..

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