Mistakes When Cooking Rice And How To Choose Delicious Rice
Many people make these mistakes not only cause rice to lose its nutrients, but it can also make us more sick.
Cooking rice is a very simple process, but it is also the way that almost all of us suffer.
Nutrients from rice
Rice contains carbohydrates, providing calories. Vitamins B1, B2, magnesium, potassium, .
Because it contains large calories and has starch to help us have a lot of energy to operate, in our country and some other Asian countries choose white rice as the main food source, as the main food in the diet of me
Eating too much white rice increases the risk of diabetes
In essence, rice has many nutrients, but if processed incorrectly, the nutrients will be lost.
Meanwhile, maybe not beneficial but it also adversely affects our health.
The mistakes everyone makes when cooking rice
Use rice that is too white
The use of white rice will make the white rice bowl look appealing and eye-catching.
But did you know that too white rice means that the surrounding bran of the grain is gone, meaning that the best source of nutrition of the grain is gone. You are just eating the "core" of the rice sugar powder.
Consuming too much starch from white rice will put you at high risk of diabetes, edema diseases, high blood pressure, ..

Do not wash your hands before "washing the rice".
Our hands are always filled with bacteria if they are not washed off regularly. According to a study, up to 1,500 bacteria reside in the palm of your hand.
Without cleaning our hands before washing the rice, the transmission of bacteria from our hands to our rice dish is very high.
It will be the "transit point" for disease sources to infect you when processing food and washing rice.
Rub the rice too well
As well as choosing too white ladle. If you wash the rice too carefully, for too long, squeeze all the cloudy water out to hope for a whiter, tastier bowl of rice, that would be a big mistake.
Because the cloudy water (containing rice bran) that you take away contains B vitamins, glucides, proteins, lipids, minerals, .

The best way to retain this source of nutrients is to just put the rice in the pot, add the water and stir gently to remove impurities, rice husks and pick up grit in the rice.
Cook rice in cold water
Cooking rice with cold water is extremely popular, up to 9/10 housewives use this method. But do you know, when using cold water to cook rice, the rice grains will swell, the nutrients will expand, dissolve into the water.
Furthermore, the rice cookers cooked with cold water are often not very delicious as the rice is often crushed because the rice is swollen.
So, change the way of using the rice cooking water with hot water to retain the nutrition in the rice, the rice cooker is fragrant, flexible and delicious.

Another note is that you should also not choose rice that is too crushed or left for too long, as this will cause bacteria and fungi to attack and change the structure and nutrition of the rice into a substance that is harmful to our body. eat.
You should choose new rice, not too white, with fragrant rice to make sure not to use bleached rice with chemicals that cause great harm to your health!
To choose good, clean, quality rice, seemingly simple in the past, now is a big challenge for housewives in big cities when the "technology" for soaking, drying and bleaching rice with chemical The substance becomes sophisticated.
Some people even have to say, "Clean rice now is difficult to find and is no different from ancient specialties"
Recently, the information about dirty and poor quality rice from production to consumption has made consumers worried.
White, branded fragrant rice ... deceives the feeling
Normally, consumers do not observe carefully, they always see that rice is white, delicious, with high prices, so they think they can buy delicious rice, really fragrant rice, but when cooked, rice is light, worse than normal rice and yes risk of serious health effects.
It is known that "tricks" of some businesses are mostly using "technology". Therefore, who can guarantee that the use of these chemicals will not harm the health of the user?
According to another information from a rice trader, at present, there are many large and small agents that are using aromatherapy in poor quality rice, turning it into Thai rice, Bac Huong rice, Dien Bien rice ... Using chemical preservatives against termites, termites, rice bags that take too long to lose their natural aroma will be "refurbished to life" with flavoring.
In addition to ways of preserving harmful to health, consumers also face the problem of rice of unknown origin. Currently, rice of unknown origin is quite popular in the market. It is very easy for housewives to buy rice that is too dated, poor quality, not delicious, but also "up to life" by chemicals.
Besides, according to the (WHO) regulations on the safe level of arsenic in rice. Arsenic is present in the earth's crust, usually in soil and water environments, and it infects plants through the natural pathway absorbed by them from soil and water. The amount of arsenic infecting plants increased gradually.
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