10 Foods Rich In Vitamin D
Fish, fish oil, grains, oysters, mushrooms ... are foods rich in vitamin D that are good for health.
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption to aid in bone development, control cell growth, strengthen nerve function, immune system and reduce inflammation
Conversely, excess vitamin D can cause the body to absorb too much calcium, leading to an increased risk of heart attack and kidney stones. Based on current nutritional requirements according to US standards, the amount of vitamin D needed is 600 IU, the threshold for poisoning is from 10,000 to 40,000 IU per day depending on the person's location
Vitamin D is oil-soluble, so you need to eat more healthy fats to absorb it.

Cod liver oil
Cod liver oil is a popular supplement that contains high levels of vitamins A and D. This oil provides 10,001 IU units in 100 grams, 1,360 IU in one tablespoon. Note should only supplement a moderate amount of fish liver oil per day, should not overdo it.
Fish is rich in vitamin D. Pangasius will have more vitamin D when cooked, fish fat is also good for dissolving vitamins. Canned fish in oil will contain more vitamin D

Nutritional fortified cereals
Used as the primary breakfast diet in the Americas, most commercial cereals are fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients. Cereals provide up to 342 IU per 100 g (about 2 cups), even more if combined with fortified dairy or soy milk products. Be cautious about checking food labels when buying, choosing grain products that contain little or no refined sugar and partially hydrogenated oils.
In addition to vitamin D, oysters are a good source of vitamin B12, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium and copper. This seafood provides 320 IU in 100 g, 269 IU contains 6 medium sized clams.

Caviar (black and red)
Caviar is a popular ingredient in sushi. Caviar provides 232IU of vitamin D in 100 g or 37.1 IU in one teaspoon.
Soy products (tofu and soy milk)
Soy products are often fortified with both vitamin D and calcium. Fortified tofu provides up to 157 IU of vitamin D per 100 g. Fortified soy milk provides up to 49IU of vitamin D per 100 g, 119 IU per cup. The vitamin D content varies widely between products, so check the nutrition facts before buying.

Italian sausages, silk rolls, ham, sausages
This is a good source of vitamin B12 and copper. Sausage contains 62 IU vitamin D in 100 g. Cha lua has 56 IU per 100 g, pork sausage provides 44 IU per 100 g. However, these foods are also high in cholesterol and sodium, so they should be limited to those at risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Fortified dairy products
Dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D. Milk can provide up to 52 IU of vitamin D per 100 g or 127 IU per cup. Cheese and butter provide about 7 IU in one tablespoon.
In addition to vitamin D, eggs are a good source of vitamin B12 and protein.
Poultry eggs contain 37 IU vitamin D in 100 g, 17 IU in a large fried egg.
Not only are these foods high in vitamin D, mushrooms also provide vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and copper. The white button mushrooms provide the most vitamin D with 27 IU per 100 g.
Thi Tran.
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