3 Types Of Fruits Should Be Eaten Regularly To Be Healthy
Sometimes in the daily meals, housewives change meals, change dishes according to science and indulge family members but neglect snacks or desserts, especially fruit. Fresh fruit not only adds essential vitamins, but it also has therapeutic effects that will surprise housewives ... 3 special healthy fruits, especially bananas, pineapples, and oranges
A typical tropical fruit, not only delicious, nutritious but also rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, C, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, along with the presence of 8 essential amino acids. Bananas have many effects on our health:
Brain health and increased mental excitement: Tryptopan in bananas that the body converts into serotonin, a spiritual inspirator, will help you feel happy, relaxed, and think in a positive direction. Thanks to the abundant potassium content, bananas are a good fuel source for the brain because they not only help you focus and think more clearly, but also are an essential mineral that helps stabilize heartburn, bring oxygen to the brain

Weight loss: The amount of calories in each banana is very low (100g contains only 87 calories), the amount of vitamins is extremely rich, rich in fiber, able to absorb water and gives you a feeling of fullness ... Bananas are very good for people who are try to lose weight.
Reducing Blood Pressure and Stroke: Because bananas are rich in potassium and fiber, people with high blood pressure regularly eat them well. Besides, the combination of potassium and low salt content in bananas also creates a special function, which is to keep blood pressure in a stable state

Supplement the body with many vitamins and minerals: Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, C, iron and calcium. So, just eating bananas can get all the necessary nutrients.
Laxative: Bananas are rich in fiber, so they have a laxative effect, avoiding constipation. Because bananas are easy to digest and absorb, so from the elderly to the children can use them with peace of mind.
Heal stomach ulcers: Bananas help reduce the acidity of ulcers in the stomach wall and reduce heartburn.
Supplements for pregnant women: Eating bananas helps pregnant mothers reduce unpleasant symptoms in the morning when waking up. Bananas are rich in iron, thus helping to increase red blood cell count, preventing iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
In addition, bananas also fight against calcium-rich osteoporosis, dissolve kidney stones and gallstones, improve immunity, prevent cancer, help us eat well .
Pineapple: Pineapple juice has the ability to stimulate the immune system to attack disease cells; inhibits the ability of breast, lung, colon, ovarian and skin cancers to spread.
Rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, beta-carotene, organic acids and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus ... but pineapple is better than other fruits thanks to bromelin - an enzyme that helps hydrolyze protein into amino acids, have a good effect in digestion. The whole pineapple tree has bromelin in leaves and fruit, but in the heart is the most.
Thanks to bromelin's ability to break down proteins, pineapples are used as desserts at meat-rich feasts; softening tough meats such as beef, buffalo; as a catalyst promoting protein hydrolysis in the production of sauces. In addition to the above uses, pineapples are also used to treat high blood pressure (baked ripe pineapple, peeled, eat 1 fruit per day, eat for 4 days), dissolve kidney stones (cut a small hole in the stem ripe pineapple then put 7-8g of alum and crush it into it, use the pineapple body to cover, bake to cut all the skin, when the pineapple is cool, peel off the peel, squeeze the juice from the soft ripe fruit meat to drink. drink 1 fruit per day, kidney stones will be gradually eroded and dissolve), reduce fever, reduce fever (drink juice of young pineapple leaves).
Modern medicine, after research on the effects of pineapple bromelin, bromelin increases the immune system, inhibits inflammatory processes, reduces edema and hematoma, reduces pain in rheumatism, cleanses Necrotic tissues in wounds, healing of scars. Bromelin combined with antibiotics in the treatment of some bacterial infections will increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, combined with some asthma drugs to increase anti-asthma effects. Bromelin also works to reduce metastasis of cancers, dose of 200-300mg / kg body weight in combination with chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Although there are many therapeutic effects, but when eating pineapple you should also be cautious because in some cases, substances in pineapples will make the disease worse or cause poisoning. Pineapple should only be eaten after meals because if eaten fast, organic acids and bromelin have a strong impact on the gastric mucosa, causing hangover and discomfort.
When buying pineapples, choose fresh, intact fruit.
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