5 Famous Vietnamese Porridge Dishes
Porridge, eel porridge, bird nest porridge with special flavors always make visitors have to try when coming to Ha Giang, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa.
Enlarge Porridge porridge (also known as the first rice porridge or porridge father) is one of the specialties visitors must try when coming to Ha Giang rock plateau. Porridge is cooked from tubers, non-glutinous rice, female sticky rice, chicken eggs with chili and herbs. Initially, this was a porridge with the effect of inducing, later, the local people added some spices, gradually becoming a specialty. Photo: Hagiangonline
The pipe is quite toxic so the processing must go through many stages to reduce the toxicity. Then, simmer the bulbs with the legs for 4 hours. When selling to customers, the owner adds eggs, chili, pepper, onions, cilantro and perilla to increase the sensory effect of porridge

Nghe An eel porridge is not only a favorite dish of the people of Nghe, but also of both domestic and foreign tourists. Porridge is cooked from broth with crushed eel spine and has a sweet taste. When eating, add stir-fried eel meat with turmeric, chili and onion, which is strong and spicy, creating a "no where tissue is" flavor. Photo: Thedropoutdiaries.
The recipe is simple, but to have a delicious bowl of eel porridge requires a lot of the cooker's techniques to prepare the eel, the soup with the fire when simmering, and the rate of seasoning when frying

Hai Lang porridge (Quang Tri) has a sophisticated way of processing. Delicious rice soaked in water is ground into flour, pressed, finely kneaded, sliced. Braised snakehead fish meat, fragrant, bone stew to take water, season to taste into broth. Photo: Balonguoc.
A bowl of powdered porridge is usually not large with broth, bed flaps, non-aromatic snakehead fish, cilantro, fresh chili and some fragrant compressed tubers. Photo: T.

Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Porridge with more than 32 swiftlet islands and 169 large and small caves, Khanh Hoa is the place to come from the best dishes in Vietnam, including bird's nest porridge. Photo: Travelandescape.
The way of processing bird's nest porridge is quite simple. The most important raw material is the thin, small, white-like fibers of swallow nest. This is a porridge with a high use in fostering health and beauty. Due to cooking with high-cost ingredients, a cup of bird's nest porridge ranges from 150,000-200,000 VND. Photo: Wheretoeat.

Cai Tac heart porridge (Can Tho): Is one of the porridge dishes that appear densely in all regions of Vietnam, but this dish in Cai Tac has many typical features, since then, it has become a specialty. Photo: Loca.
Unlike condensed porridge in many places, porridge at Cai Tac is liquid, sweet and fragrant, adding heart, liver, puff, tongue, kidney, meat ... The sauce is made from high quality fish sauce, added lemon, chili create a special flavor. Porridge is also served with herbs, bitter vegetables, banana to add flavor and drown the fishy smell of the heart. Photo: tongphuochiep-vinhlong
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