Notes When Feeding Babies With Formula Milk
Major health organizations - including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) - agree that Breast milk is the ideal nutrition for babies (especially in the first 6 months). However, deciding what is best for you and your baby is still your own choice.
Whether you've decided to breastfeed your baby in the first place, or just to complement your breastmilk, or are switching from breastmilk to formula, you're probably still entangled by many sentences. ask. This article will answer some frequently asked questions about formula use
It is often recommended that babies be breastfed whenever they seem hungry, this is called "on-demand feeding."
If your baby is underweight, or has problems gaining weight, you should not put breastfeeds too far apart, even if necessary you should still wake them up to breastfeed. In this case, talk to your doctor about how many times your baby needs to be fed
Contrary to what parents often think, crying is a late sign of being hungry.

If your baby cries just an hour after a full feed, there may be something else that is upsetting him.
Signs that your baby is hungry include:
Turn the head from side to side.
Open your mouth.
Stick out your tongue
Bring baby's hand, finger, fist in the mouth.

Lip as if feeding.
Snuggle on mom's chest.
Feeding reflex (baby tilts her mouth in the direction that something is stroking or touching her cheek).
Watch your baby's signals for you to breastfeed when your baby shows signs of hunger, usually every 2-3 hours during infancy. When the baby is a little older and can feed more, the time between feedings can be extended every 3-4 hours.
How often should I make formula?
Some parents choose to make a formula just before each feed, but others choose to prepare it and make it cool enough for use during the day. For example, if you know your baby feeds every 3-4 hours, you can mix 6-8 bottles throughout the day.
Mix baby formula into 60 ml or 90 ml milk for each feed for the first few weeks and gradually increase the amount as you become familiar with your baby's diet and taste.

If your baby is being sent to a babysitter for a long time, you only need to have one or two bottles ready, then leave instructions and necessary items (bottle, pacifier, formula, etc.) water mixed with milk) so caregivers can make milk as needed without wasting time. Finally, you need to discard the prepared formula after 24 hours.
Does my baby get a good feed?
Each child develops at different rates. Sometimes you will wonder if your baby is getting enough nutrients to grow. Here's an overview of how much your baby can feed at different stages:
On average, babies need about 45-90 ml of milk every 2-3 hours. This number increases as your baby grows and may suckle more at every feed.

By around 2 months, your baby may breastfeed 120-150 ml of milk every 3-4 hours.
At 4 months, your baby may breastfeed 120-180 ml of milk, depending on the number of feeds and the weight of the baby.
By 6 months of age, your baby's formula may be about 720-950 ml of milk. It also depends on whether your baby has been offered solids or not.
The number of diapers your baby has is also a good indicator of whether your baby is getting enough breastfeeding. Initially, you will change at least six wet diapers and four dirty diapers (soiled or leaking stool) every day.
The infant's stool is thick and sticky at first, and it becomes yellow or green when it grows up. Formula-fed babies often have tighter, less-dense stool than breastfed infants.

Baby urine should be clear or very pale yellow. If you see dark yellow urine, take your baby to the doctor - this may be a sign that your baby is not drinking enough or is dehydrated.
Other signs that your baby is not feeding enough include:
Not gaining enough weight.
Seems unsatisfied, even after full breastfeeding.
To help determine if your baby is getting enough breast milk, follow a routine physical exam to weigh your baby's weight and height. If you are concerned or if you notice any signs that your baby is not getting enough nutrition, see your doctor.
Why does your baby seem more hungry than usual?
As you grow older your baby will start to feed more at each feed and the interval between feeds will be longer.
However, sometimes your baby will seem more hungry than usual.

7-14 days old
3-6 weeks old
4 months of age
6 months old
During these times, whenever your baby seems to be especially hungry, continue feeding on your baby's request, increasing the number. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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