Organic Food: Things To Know
What is "organic"?
The US Department of Agriculture is the official agency that defines and controls the term "organic". That means that to be labeled organic food on the packaging, that food must meet certain standards.
What is organic produce?
Figure: Organic food
Organic produce must be grown in the absence of chemicals and pesticides. Farmers must use natural methods to control insects and weeds. Only use natural fertilizers, such as green manure
The goal of organic agriculture is to reduce the negative impact on the environment and improve sustainability

What are organic meats and foods?
Meat and food from organic animals must be harvested from livestock in natural conditions. This means that farmers feed their animals with organic food, keep it in a clean barn environment and expose them to the outside environment. Do not use growth hormones or antibiotics that are commonly used for "non-organic" pets. The farming practices are generally environmentally friendly.
What are the different types of organic brands?
The US Department of Agriculture allows a variety of organic brands. You may encounter some of the following labels:
100% organic means the product is manufactured and processed only by accepted organic methods and ingredients. This type of label is often used on products with a single ingredient such as fruit or eggs
Organic products contain at least 90% of the organic ingredients.

Products made from organic products including at least 75% organic ingredients.
Some other common labels are: natural, sustainable and raised with grass. We should note that these terms are not officially defined and controlled by the US Department of Agriculture. There is no guarantee that these products will qualify for labeling on organic products.
Are organic products better than regular products?
Organic products are often introduced as a healthier and cleaner product. But are they really different or not?
Nutrients. Some organic foods have the same nutritional content as the corresponding non-organic products, while some have a higher nutrient content. For example, while it is still in the testing process, it seems that some common fruits (like apples) in department stores may have the same nutritional components as organic fruits.

Artificial ingredients. The key difference between organic and non-organic foods (conventional foods) is whether or not they are exposed to growth hormones, synthetic ingredients and pesticides. Although fertilizers and pesticides are commonly used in the food industry, some people fear the long-term consequences that these artificial chemicals could have on children's health and development. people. While doctors are still unsure of the problems caused by artificial fertilizers and pesticides, the use of organic products may reduce the potential health risks.

Environment. Organic agriculture is an environmentally friendly form of farming. US Department of Agriculture certified farmers or farms work to reduce pollution, save water and resources, and reduce soil erosion. They also create more natural living conditions for pets.

Time management. Due to the absence of preservatives, organic foods usually do not last as long as non-organic foods. Organic products (especially agricultural products) can be more easily damaged.
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