Properly Select, Preserve And Prepare Food For Baby’s Meals
In the process of preparing food, mothers need to note that food in addition to providing nutrients for children must also be safe and hygienic. Besides, the foods for children need to be diverse and change frequently. The main meal must have 4 food groups: powdered sugar (flour, porridge, rice, vermicelli, noodles, pasta, bread, sticky rice, potatoes, ..

Food choices:
Choose fresh foods to keep them nutritious and less at risk of infection and poisoning. Fresh food selection criteria include: fresh meat, swimming fish, dancing shrimp, fresh vegetables and tubers. When buying industrially produced food, the quality of packaging must be intact, not be distorted or torn. Should choose products with a clear origin from a reputable company brand with a perennial brand name, newly packaged or still expired and sold in a cool place, away from sunlight and moisture
Food preservation:
Well-preserved food will retain its nutritional value and limit the growth of bacteria that cause food poisoning for children.

• With fresh food, refrigerated is the most common way in households. The mothers can wash the meat and fish and divide it into small portions to meet 1 meal, cover with plastic and put in the freezer to freeze and use gradually. Take care not to thaw fresh food many times, to avoid spoiling and losing nutrients. Pickled vegetables and fruits, soak them, then let them dry, put them in a plastic bag, and store them in the cooler bottom of the refrigerator. In addition, to save time and effort, mothers can cook a pot of 3 cups white porridge once, draw them to cool and put them in the refrigerator to preserve them. cup to cook for children.
• For industrial foods, carefully read the instructions on the package for proper storage when not in use. Any product that can be stored at room temperature (room temperature) should be stored in a cool cabinet, shelf, protected from sunlight and moisture.

• Milk and cheese, after opening the can, are best stored at 2 - 8 ° C. Raw - cooked food needs to be stored separately. Note if there is a large amount of food stored in the refrigerator, hot weather outside, and opening the refrigerator several times a day, it is necessary to adjust the appropriate temperature to preserve the product better.
Food Processing:
Fresh foods need to be cooked to disinfect and increase the ability of children to digest food. Some foods, if they are still alive, can cause allergies and digestive disorders. With the impact of temperature, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals ..

When feeding your baby, mothers need to pay attention to making small, puree or choosing foods with a small volume just enough to make them easier to eat.
Belcube Square Cheese This is a creative, unique and nutritious cheese product of the Laughing Cow. With the message "More nutrients, Optimize quality", Belcube square cheese has a new formula that adds vitamins A, B12, Calcium, Iodine and especially Zinc to support physical development and thinking, Help your baby increase the ability to learn, reason, focus, and remember.
In addition, the small square design and improvements in packaging technology not only bring joy to the baby when enjoying cheese but also help mothers to be assured of quality as well as easy and convenient storage. more profitable.
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