Take Babies Home
Pediatric Community Medicine
Whether your baby is discharged from the hospital immediately after birth or is discharged later (possibly because the baby has to be treated at an intensive neonatal care unit), or through an adoption agency, taking the baby home is a big event you often imagine. Here are the ways to prepare.
When taking babies to leave the hospital
Expectant mothers often pack their luggage and clothes to take their babies home even before they go to the hospital (to give birth) or they can wait to see how the weather is and ask their husband to bring clothes for the whole family. (for parents and babies). You should prepare clothes larger than your normal size, with drawstring belts or elastic because your body has not shrunk enough to wear clothes like before pregnancy
Babies often get too many clothes on their first journey home from the hospital. In warm weather, wear a short-sleeved T-shirt with a diaper and swaddle your baby in a baby blanket. Hats are not really necessary, but they can be very cute, especially when taking the first photos for your child at the hospital
If it's cold, give your baby a warm coat and extra blankets.

If you haven't arranged a follow-up visit for your baby beforehand, make sure that, before leaving the hospital, you have set your baby's first physical check-up date. Depending on the situation, some premature babies are also sent home with a special screen to check their breathing and heart rate, and you may be taught how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for babies. born.
Whether your baby is full or preterm, you should not rush out the door - ask the questions you ask before you leave the hospital! And if you find yourself wondering about something - from bathing to breastfeeding, to vomiting, talk to your baby's nurse, breastfeeding counselor, or doctor.
Journey to take the baby home by car
The most important part of the trip home is a car safety seat suitable for children. All states (in the US) require parents to have a car seat ready before leaving the hospital because it is one of the best ways to protect your baby
Even for a short distance, it is never safe for one person, or one parent, to hold the baby, and the other to drive.

You should consider buying, renting, or borrowing a car seat for a child before your baby is born, when you have time to think, choose carefully. There are two types of baby car seats: infant seats (must be replaced when a baby weighs between 22 and 35 pounds, which is around 10-16kg, depending on the seat type) and a versatile seat for both infants (toward the rear of children) and older children (toward the rear of older children.
Infant-only seats are designed to use only the type of seat facing in the back of the vehicle and more suitable for babies than multi-purpose seats. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies and toddlers sit in a chair facing the back of the car until they are 2 years old or until they reach weight and The height limit is allowed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. (If your baby exceeds the manufacturer's recommended weight before the second birthday, you will need to use a multi-purpose chair designed for older children.)
Some parents of infants find that a "travel system" (which includes a stroller and infant seat that can be attached to a stroller) makes infant transportation possible. much softer, especially when your baby is sleeping, from a car to a stroller.

The multi-purpose seat facing baby is used until the baby is at least 2 years old or has reached the maximum weight and height limit as recommended by the manufacturer. It is safer for a child to reach a height and weight limit before they are 2 years old in a larger multi-purpose seat and still facing the rear of the vehicle. Very young children may still sit in a chair facing back even after they are 2 years old. (Follow manufacturer's instructions when changing seats.)
Never place a newborn or multipurpose seat only in the front row of your vehicle - always in the rear seat row. Passenger airbags on the cabin of the front seats are dangerous for both types of seats (facing to the front or rear of the vehicle), and most of the accidents occur in the front row of the vehicle. When it is cold, fit your baby first, then set it. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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