Take Care Of Healthy Children At 1 Month Of Age
Physical improve
Babies 1 month old can hold the head for a while when laying prone. Babies are startled with sounds and move their arms and legs at the same time. At this age, babies will be able to clench fists.
Emotional development
At 1 month, babies sleep most of the time, crying only when they need something and not responding to the voice of their parents.
Social Development
Babies love to look at their faces and follow eye movements
Intellectual development
At 1 month of age, babies respond to sounds.
At 1 month of age, the baby can get the 2nd dose of the hepatitis B vaccine if the mother is positive for hepatitis B during pregnancy. Other vaccines cannot be vaccinated earlier than when the baby is 6 weeks old

In addition, children can be given the first dose of Rotavirus vaccine between 6 weeks of age and 12 weeks of age. All of these vaccines will usually be given at 2 months of age.
Your child may recommend a TB test, based on exposure to tuberculosis with family members, or a repeat screening for metabolic disease (state newborn screening) if the initial results are abnormal. .
Nutrition and oral health
Breastfeeding is the best nurturing method at this age. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least 12 months, with exclusive breastfeeding (no supplement formula, water, juice or solid food) for about 6 months

Most 1-month-old babies suckle every 2 to 3 hours all day and night.
Babies who consume less than 16 ounces (480 ml) of milk a day need vitamin D.
Children under 6 months old should not drink juice.
Children get enough water from breast milk or formula, so it is advisable not to give extra water
Babies receive adequate nutrition from breast milk or formula and should not offer solid foods until they are around 6 months old. Babies under 6 months of age eating solid foods are more likely to have food allergies.
Clean the child's gums with a soft cloth or gauze, once or twice a day.
Toothpaste is not necessary.
Read books every day to children.

Choose books with interesting images, colors and layouts.
Read poems and sing to children.
When putting babies to sleep, place babies on their backs to minimize the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (sids syndrome - sudden death syndrome in children) or sudden death during manipulation.
Soothers can reduce the risk of sids.
Do not allow children to enter bedding with feathery pillows or blankets or stuffed animals.
Most babies have at least 2-3 sleeps a day, about 18 hours a day.
Put your child to bed when he is sleepy, not when he has slept well, so he can learn to soothe himself.

Do not let your baby sleep in the same bed with other children or with an adult who smokes, drinks or uses drugs, or is obese. Never place a baby on a waterbed, armchair or pea-shaped bag (sack) as this can cause suffocation.
If you are using a crib, make sure that it does not peel off paint. The crib should not exceed 6 cm wide.
All utensils and decorations should be firmly attached to the bassinet and do not have any removable parts.
Care tips for parents
Newborns rely on frequent cuddling, cuddling, and interaction to develop social skills, emotional attachment to their parents and caregivers.
Place the baby on tummy in an intermittent session throughout the day to avoid developing flat head syndrome due to the supine position This also helps muscle growth.
Use light skin care products for children.

Always call your doctor if your baby shows any signs of illness or fever (higher than 38 ° c). It is not necessary to measure the temperature unless the baby is ill. Do not treat children with over-the-counter medications without consulting a health care professional. If the child stops breathing, the skin turns green, or is unresponsive, call emergency.
Talk to your doctor if you return to work and need guidance regarding breast milk collection and storage or appropriate child care.
Make sure your home is a safe environment for children. Set your home water heater at 120 ° F (49 degrees C).

Never shake (shake) the child.
Never use a walker.
To reduce the risk of asphyxiation, make sure that all children's toys are larger than their mouths.
Make sure all toys are labeled non-toxic.
Never leave children unattended in the country.
Keep small objects, toys with loops, chains and cords away from your baby.
Keep lights away from curtains and blankets to reduce risk of fire.
Do not use a pacifier's pacifier, such as a pacifier, as your baby may choke.

Never tie a pacifier into. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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