Take Care Of Healthy Children At 15 Months Of Age
Physical improve
At the age of 15 months, children can: walk on their own ‚bend‚ go backward ‚and climb up the stairs. Children can put two blocks on top of the tower ‚can feed and drink by themselves. Children have the ability to imitate drawing strokes or drawings.
Emotional development
Babies aged 15 months can express their needs to others through gestures and gestures. Children may become upset when they are not given what they ask for
Social Development
Children like to imitate others and become more independent.
Intellectual development
At 15 months of age, children understand simple commands

At this visit, the health care provider may order the child to be vaccinated:
The first dose of the vaccine against hepatitis A.
The 4th dose of DTaP vaccine (including diphtheria toxin ván tetanus) and vacuoles pertussis.
The third dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).
The first dose of MMR-V synthetic vaccine (mumps ởi measles ‚rubella, and chicken pox).
Note that all of these doses can be given at 12 months of age. During the flu season you should also give your child a dose of flu vaccine
Testing for children
Depending on the presence of risk factors, the doctor may recommend appropriate tests for each child.

Nutrition and oral health
Breastfed babies should continue to be breastfed.
Children should drink 2 to 3 cups of whole milk daily (equivalent to 470-710 ml).
Should drink all types of milk / juice / food ... with a cup, not with a bottle to prevent tooth decay.
Limit fruit juices that contain too much vitamin C, should not exceed 116-177 ml, and encourage children to drink filtered water.
Use a balanced menu for children and encourage them to eat fruits and vegetables.

Feed your child 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day.
Cut the food into small pieces so the child doesn't choke.
Put children at a high chair at the height of the table to increase the child's communication during meals.
Do not force your child to eat all food from the plate.
Avoid giving your child hard nuts ‚hard candy‚ bung ‚and chewing gum to avoid airborne objects from inhaling when swallowing.
Encourage your child to eat on his or her own spoon and bowl.
Children need to brush their teeth after meals and before going to bed.
If using toothpaste for children should use the type does not contain Fluoride.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend a fluoride supplement to your child.
Illustrative image: Encourage your child to eat on his own
Read to them daily and encourage them to point to an object when you read it.
Choose books with lots of interesting drawings.
Repeat songs and songs for your child to listen to or encourage them to imitate.
Name objects correctly and consistently for children to follow. Explain what you are doing to your child when he bathes ‚‚ eats and plays.
Avoid using meaningless words (new words created by your child or parents)
Play fantasy games with dolls đồ blocks ‚or household items.
A second language can be introduced for children if parents use multiple languages.

Children can start to use the toilet. But usually children are only ready to use the toilet when they are about 24 months old.
To sleep
Most babies still have 2 naps every day.
Children should be trained for long and short sleeps on time.
Encourage your child to sleep in a separate bed.
Advice for parents
Every day should be a separate time only you and your child together.
At this stage ‚you need to know that your child is less likely to understand the consequences of his actions. Therefore, adults need to help children learn discipline and limitations.

Reduce time to watch TV for children. Children at this stage need to play active games and need to interact with others. When children watch TV, parents should watch it together and should watch less than an hour a day.
Safety assurance
Need to create a safe environment around children.
Keep the water heater temperature (if any) should not exceed 49 ° C.
Avoid loose lines such as wires ‚curtain wires‚ or telephone wires.
Keep the environment around children smoke-free and drugs or chemicals free.

Use self-closing doors around the pool and have screens on the stairs to prevent children from falling.
When driving in a private car ‚you need to allow your child to sit firmly in the safety seat in the middle of the back seat and never allow the child to sit in the front seat next to the airbag position. Install this safety seat in such a way that the child can lie on the seat and look behind the car until the child is 2 years old or when the child develops the height / weight limit of the seat installed in this way (usually around 9.1 kg).
Install smoke detectors indoors and make sure they are replaced regularly.
The bottle should be tightly closed and kept in a position that cannot be reached by a child. Keep chemicals and detergents away from children.
If a fire extinguisher is placed in the home, lock it so that the child is safe.

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