Take Care Of Healthy Children At 4 Years Of Age
Physical development
Your 4-year-old child can hop on one leg, jump on the flute, change his feet when taking the stairs, ride a 3-wheel bike and get dressed (sometimes with a little help with pulling a zipper or pin knot).
Besides, babies can:
Brush your teeth.
Use spoon and fork while eating.
Toss and shoot the ball.
Stacking high towers from 10 pieces assembled
Emotional development
Your 4-year-old child may:
Have an imaginary friend.
Believe that dreams are true.
Very aggressive in collective games
Establish and enforce limits on children's behavior and reinforce desired behaviors.

Consider sending your child to kindergarten or attending age-appropriate programs.
Make sure you read to your children.
Social development
Your child should be able to play interactive games with other children, learn to share and rotate through games.
You should plan meetings so your child has the opportunity to interact with other children.
Your baby will enjoy playing games with you.
Perhaps they will ignore the rules of play in group games unless they see it to their advantage.
Your child may be curious or want to touch the genitals

Brain development
By this age, babies should:
Identify colors, read a short poem or sing a song suitable for your age.
Has quite a wide vocabulary.
Speak clearly enough that others can understand.
Can draw a cross.
Can draw people with at least 3 parts.
Can write his first and last name.
Before going to school, your baby should be fully injected with the following drugs:
The fifth dose of dtap vaccine (prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough).
The fourth dose of polio vaccine (ipv).

The second dose of the mmr - v vaccine (prevents measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox).
Influenza vaccine should be considered for routine immunization during flu season.
You can give your child medicine before going to the clinic for immunization, or as soon as you return home to minimize the chance of your child having a fever or discomfort when getting the dtap vaccine. Use only over-the-counter common medications to help relieve pain, discomfort symptoms, or fever as directed by your child's healthcare provider.
Health check
Your baby's hearing and vision should be checked. Your child may be screened for anemia, lead poisoning, high cholesterol and tuberculosis, depending on risk factors. Discuss the necessary tests and screenings with your baby's doctor.
At this age, your baby will often eat poorly, reduce cravings, there are times when he likes a limited number of dishes and always likes to eat the same foods.

Avoid foods that are high in fat, high in salt and high in sugar.
Encourage low-fat milk and milk products.
Limit juice to 4-6 ounces a day (equivalent to 120-180 ml). Choose fruits that contain vitamin C.
Encourage your child to talk during meals to help them gain more social experience without paying attention to the amount of food.
Avoid watching TV while eating.
Most 4-year-old babies can practice removing diapers. However at night, the beams can often occur, this phenomenon is normal.

Baby should be sleeping in his own bed.
Nightmares and fear of darkness are common at this age. If that happens, talk to your baby's healthcare provider.
Reading before bed will help your child gain more social experience while calming his mind to prepare him for sleep. Give your baby good habits before going to sleep every day.
Sleep disorders may be related to family stress and should be discussed with your child's health care provider if they become frequent.
Encourage your baby to brush their teeth before bed and every morning.
Advice for parents
Try to balance your child's needs between being an independent individual and following social principles.

Let your baby do some house chores.
Allow your baby to make his or her own choices and try not to say "no" to him anytime, anywhere.
There are many opinions on the subject of discipline. Choose kindness, moderation and fairness. You should discuss your disciplinary options with your child care provider. Avoid punishing or reprimanding children in front of others.
Tell your children boundaries and boundaries clearly. The consequences of bad behaviors should be discussed so they know before putting them into practice.

Your baby's good behaviors should be commended.
Minimize time watching TV. These passive behaviors have deprived the child of the opportunity to develop their ability to talk and interact socially.
Give your baby a smoke-free and drug-free environment.
Always wear a helmet for your child when riding a 2-wheel or 3-wheel bike.
Use doors at the top of stairs to avoid vi. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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