Take Care Of Healthy Children At The Age Of 7
School activities
You should always talk to your child's teacher about the situation at school.
Emotional development and social interaction.
Children should enjoy playing with their friends, following the rules of the game, playing competitive or team games. Children are very active at this age.
You should encourage your child to participate in outdoor activities such as playing in a team or playing sports; After school programs you should encourage your child to participate in social activities and do not leave your child alone at home after school
Physiological curiosity at this age is also common, you should answer your child's questions clearly with appropriate words.
Before starting school, children should be vaccinated with the latest doses of vaccine, but the doctor may recommend additional doses of vaccine missed. You should make sure your child is immunized for at least 2 doses of measles, rubella, and chickenpox

Children may need to be tested for anemia or pulmonary tuberculosis, depending on their risk.
Nutrition and oral health
Encourage your child to drink low-fat milk and use dairy foods.
Limit fruit juice from 240 to 360 ml daily. Limit sugary drinks or soda.
Avoid foods that are high in fat, high in salt and sugar.
Make it easy for your kid to help plan and prepare meals

Arrange time for the whole family to eat together, and encourage conversation during the meal.
Design nutritious meals and limit fast foods.
Watch children brush their teeth and encourage them to floss.
Fluoride supplement if you are told your water source is not enough fluoride.
Schedule regular dental appointments for your child.
Children in this age group may also be popular, especially for boys or families with a history of beams. Talk to your doctor if you are worried.
Getting enough sleep is still important for your baby.

Notes for parents
It is necessary to create a balance between children's independent development and adherence to social rules.
Should recognize when children need privacy.
Should keep in good contact with teachers at school. Ask your child about school and class.
Encourage physical development activities every day. You can walk and talk with your child or bike with them.

Children should be given some chores in the house or garden.
You should be consistent and fair in disciplining, showing your child limits with consequences. And you should pay attention to correct errors or discipline children in private and should limit the physical sanctions on children.
Limit television to 1-2 hours a day. Children who watch too much TV are at risk of obesity. You must also monitor the TV channels the child watches. If your home has cable TV, block channels that aren't suitable for young children.
Create a smoke-free environment and stimulants for children.

Always have your child wear the right helmet when they ride a bike. You should also model your hat and ride your bike properly.
Children should be seated in the rear of the car, never leave the child in the front seat with an airbag.
Equip your home with smoke detectors and change batteries regularly.
Show your children how to get out of the house in the event of a fire, and teach them not to play with matches, lighters or candles.
Avoid buying motorized equipment for children or terrain vehicles for children.
Medicines and poisons are carefully covered and kept out of reach.
If there are guns in the house, guns and bullets should be locked and stored separately.

You should teach your children carefully with vehicles and rivers. Always supervise children when playing by the road or near rivers and lakes. Never let children swim without adult supervision.
You should teach your children to be careful when communicating or accepting gifts or candies from strangers. Encourage your child to recount when strangers touch in an unusual way or in inappropriate places.
Warn your child when he or she wants to get close to strange animals, especially when they are eating.
Make sure your child wears UV-A and UV-B glasses with a minimum sunscreen of SPF-15 when they are out in the sun to reduce the effects of sunburn. Early sunburns can lead to serious skin problems later in life.

Make sure children know how to call the emergency line in case of danger.
Make sure your child knows your parents 'addresses and phone numbers as well as the parents' full names, mobile phone numbers and office phone numbers.
References. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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