The Development Of The Fetus In The Womb
How does pregnancy start?
Artwork: Development process of the embryo
Conception is a combination of an egg and a sperm. It is the first step in a complex series of events leading to pregnancy. Conception takes place in the fallopian tubes. Over the next several days, the fused eggs and sperm moved from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Here, the eggs are nested and begin to grow
This cluster of cells to the uterus becomes the fetus and the placenta. The placenta functions as a life-sustaining system during pregnancy. It provides oxygen, nutrients and hormones (hormones) from the mother to the fetus
How long does a normal pregnancy last?
A normal pregnancy process lasts about 280 days (40 weeks), counting from the first day of your last menstrual period.

How does the uterus change during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the woman's uterine wall thickens and the blood vessels of the uterine wall expand to nourish the fetus. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus relaxes to make room for the baby to grow. At the time when your baby is born, your uterus will be many times larger than normal size.
What happens during the first month of pregnancy?
During the first month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
The fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus

Arms and legs begin to form.
The brain and spinal cord begin to form.
The heart and lungs begin to grow. The heart begins beating near the end of this month.
What happens in the second month of pregnancy?
During the second month of pregnancy, the following happens:
Eyelids formed, but still closed.
The inner ear begins to grow.
Bone appears.

Ankle, wrists, fingers and toes formed.
The genitals begin to grow.
By the end of the second month, all organs and body systems begin to grow.
What happens in the third month of pregnancy?
During the third month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
20 buds for future teeth appear.
All internal organs are formed, but not fully developed.
Fingers and toes continue to grow. Soft claws begin to form.
Bones and muscles begin to grow.

The intestine begins to form.
The backbone is soft and can bend.
The skin is almost transparent.
Hands grow more than feet.
Arms are longer than legs.
What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?
During the fourth month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
Eyebrows, eyelashes and nails formed.
Foldable arms and legs.
External genitalia are formed.

The skin is wrinkled and the body is covered with a layer of substance (vernix) and fine hair (laguno).
The placenta is fully formed.
The outer ear begins to grow.
The fetus can swallow and listen.
The neck is formed.
The kidneys work and start producing urine.
What happens during the fifth month of pregnancy?
During the fifth month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
The foam sucking develops. If the hand floats near the mouth, the fetus can suck the thumb.

The fetus is more active. The mother can feel the movement of the fetus.
The fetus sleeps and wakes often.
Nails grow at the tip of the fingers.
The gallbladder begins to produce bile, which is needed to digest nutrients.
In girls, eggs form in the ovaries.
In boys, the testes begin to move from the abdomen to the scrotum.
What happens during the sixth month of pregnancy?
During the sixth month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
Real hair begins to grow.

The brain is developing fast.
Eyes started to open.
Fingerprints and footprints can be seen.
The lungs are fully formed, but not yet functioning.
What happens during the seventh month of pregnancy?
During the seventh month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
The eyes can open and close and feel the light change.
The fine hair (laguno) starts to disappear.
The fetus pedal and stretch its limbs.
The fetus can make grasping movements and respond to sound.

What happens during the eighth month of pregnancy?
During the eighth month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
With the development largely completed, the fetus gains weight very quickly.
The bones harden, but the skull remains soft and pliable for childbirth.
Different regions of the brain are forming.
Taste buds develop and the fetus can taste sweet and sour.
The fetus may now hiccup.
What happens during the ninth month of pregnancy?
During the ninth month of pregnancy, the following takes place:
The fetus often turns its head down for childbirth.
The skin is less wrinkled.
The lungs are complete and prepare for independent functioning.

The sleep pattern grows. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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