The Role Of Magnesium In The Diet Of Pregnant Women
Why do pregnant women need Magnesium supplement?
Magnesium needs increase during pregnancy. Magnesium is an essential mineral and has many different functions during pregnancy.
Magnesium plays a similar role to insulin to help maintain stable blood glucose levels. Magnesium works synergistically with Calcium to keep bones and teeth strong. Magnesium also helps regulate cholesterol levels and heart rhythm disorders
Severe Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy can lead to pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and convulsions), premature birth, neonatal death and birth defects.
Why is magnesium important during pregnancy?
In addition to the main reasons mentioned above, Magnesium has many other effects on pregnant women and the fetus:
Impact synergistically with Calcium
Both of these minerals work very well together, while magnesium relaxes muscle while calcium stimulates muscle contraction

Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Appropriate concentrations of Magnesium and Calcium help the bone destruction process to occur more slowly than usual.
Reduce cramps
Cramps are a very common symptom during pregnancy. Magnesium helps relieve cramps, reduces the intensity of Braxton Hicks attacks and contributes to the treatment of constipation.
Reduce stress
Magnesium is the best option for reducing stress and insomnia, which are common symptoms during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe magnesium as a separate supplement besides vitamins.
Support for childbirth
This mineral helps stabilize blood pressure and improves pain tolerance, making birth easier.
Reduce nausea
Magnesium can treat nausea, which is one of the most common symptoms of morning sickness
Treatment of headache
Magnesium supplementation may reduce migraine symptoms during pregnancy.

Reduce the risk of cerebral palsy
According to a study published in Australia, supplementing with magnesium sulfate for women at risk of preterm birth can protect the fetus from cerebral palsy.
Effect of Magnesium on the fetus
Several studies show that Magnesium supplementation during pregnancy may lead to some benefits and disadvantages to the fetus:
Magnesium supplements have a very good effect on fetal development.
Oral magnesium intake improves fetal circulation.
Newborn babies have a better sleep cycle if their mothers get enough magnesium during pregnancy.
How much magnesium is needed during pregnancy?
The recommended daily intake of Magnesium during pregnancy is 350-360mg. If the woman is 19-30 years old, the dose should be 350mg, but if 31 years of age or older, the dose 360mg. Vomiting, nausea and discomfort with food during pregnancy can lead to Magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium-rich foods for pregnant women
In order to provide the body with the recommended amount of magnesium, pregnant women should have an appropriate diet. Many types of plants and animals, green vegetables, cereals, beans, breakfast cereals, high fiber foods, and supplements are all rich in magnesium. Do not choose processed foods ... In addition, Magnesium in water ranges from 1-120mg / L.
The following table provides some of the magnesium-rich foods provided to pregnant women:
Milligram Feed Percentage
Almonds, dry roasted, 1 ounce (28.

Spinach, boiled, ½ cup 78 20
1 ounce dry roasted cashews 74 19
Peanuts, roasted oil, ¼ cup 63 16
Cereals, finely chopped wheat, 2 large crackers 61 15
Soy milk 1 cup 61 15
Cooked black beans ½ cup 60 15
Japanese soybeans, peeled, cooked, ½ cup 50 13
Peanut butter, smooth, 2 tbsp 49 12
Whole wheat bread, 2 slices 46 12
Butter 1 cup 44 11
Potatoes, baked 3.5 ounces 43 11
Cooked rice ½ cup 42 11
Yogurt, low fat, 8 ounces 42 11
Breakfast cereals, fortified with 10% due to Magnesium 40 10
Beans, canned ½ cup 35 9
Banana 32 8
Salmon cooked 3 ounces 26 7
Milk, 1 cup 24-27 6-7
Halibut cooked, 3 ounces 26 7
Raisins, ½ cup 23 6
Chicken breast, roasted, 3 ounces 23 6
Beef, 90% lean rice, boiled, baked 20 5
Broccoli chopped and cooked, ½ cup 12 3
Cooked white rice / 2 cups 10 3
Apple 9 2
Carrots 7 2
Make a menu of these foods to ensure a healthy supply of magnesium for pregnant women and their unborn babies!
Do pregnant women need Magnesium supplement?
Instead of adding a certain substance, you should observe your daily diet. But is a Magnesium supplement a good idea?
Everything put in excess can be harmful to the body. Pregnant women should only take Magnesium if the diet does not provide enough Magnesium. Absolutely not arbitrarily use the drug. Always consult a physician and supplement only when directed by the doctor. In fact, many doctors prescribe magnesium as part of a prenatal vitamin
Can Magnesium supplements have side effects?
Less likely to use too much magnesium in food during pregnancy. But once added.

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