The Truth Will Help Children Smarter?
Many people still think that goose eggs are very good for pregnant women and make the fetus smarter. However, up to now, this is just a rumor that has not been verified.
According to folk beliefs, pregnant women eat goose eggs will help the fetus develop well, especially brain development, helping children to be born intelligent and alert.
However, in fact, there is no scientific evidence to confirm that eating a lot of goose eggs helps children be smart.
Whether children are smart or not depends on many factors such as pregnancy diet, iron / folate supplementation during pregnancy, genetic factors, living environment and later education

Nutritional ingredients are not equal to eggs
A goose egg is a kind of poultry egg, weighing about 300 grams of a goose egg, it is 4 times heavier than a chicken egg and 3 times a duck egg.
The nutritional composition of goose eggs is not equal to that of chicken eggs (Artwork)
However, in terms of nutritional value, goose eggs cannot be compared with eggs, nor goose meat versus chicken.
Also according to VOV newspaper, results from a study showed that the vitamin content in goose eggs also lost eggs, especially vitamin A is essential for pregnant women. Vitamin A content in goose eggs is only half that of eggs (0.33mg% compared with 0.70mg% in eggs)
In 100 grams of goose eggs there are 13.

In addition, in terms of food hygiene and safety, chicken eggs are cleaner than goose eggs, because chickens lay eggs in a dry place, where there are less bacteria and parasites, so chicken eggs limit bacterial infection and parasite than goose eggs.
You can get obesity, high blood pressure because of eating lots of goose eggs
Also according to the information in the Discovery sheet, compared to eggs, goose eggs have a lower protein ratio (the protein ratio in whole eggs is 14.8%) but have higher lipid content (the ratio of lipids in whole eggs is 14.8%). chicken eggs is 11.6%).

The cholesterol and lipid rich in goose eggs are substances that are not beneficial to the health and cardiovascular system of pregnant women. Women can be overweight, obese and have high blood cholesterol, dyslipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, ... if they abuse foods rich in lipids and cholesterol such as goose eggs.
Goose eggs are not really good for pregnant women and do not help smart children (Artwork)
Advice of doctors
Mothers should know that each food has different nutritional values - no food is complete with all the nutrients. Therefore, each type of food should only be eaten 2-3 times / week, pregnant women should not abuse goose eggs, because of the high cost, indigestion, difficulties with the health of pregnant women.
At the same time, it is also necessary to eat a variety of foods, in order for the foods to supplement each other's nutrients.

According to the Surprise (Life & Law)
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