10 Calcium-rich Menus For Pregnant Women
Kale has more calcium than milk and is more easily absorbed, making it an excellent source of calcium.
Beans stew
Beans are not only rich in protein, it is also a great source of calcium making the menu with stewed beans a quick and easy way for a meal for pregnant women.
Apple crumble with hazelnut seeds
Did you know there are 114mg of calcium in every 100 grams of hazelnuts? This delicious dish is a great way to deal with cravings.
Oat cereal with apples and hazelnuts
Apple pie is not your choice? This oat cereal with apples and hazelnuts is a good breakfast choice - paired with yogurt, it's a good source of calcium to start your day.
Egg cheese fried with broccoli
This formula combines the calcium of broccoli and cheese to provide a nutritious meal
Super healthy banana smoothie
A basic match to start your breakfast. The combination of chia seeds (one tablespoon contains more calcium than one cup of milk), milk and yoghurt make a smoothie that is definitely the winner if any pregnant woman is looking for a rich source of calcium

Frozen strawberry yogurt
Easy to make, this frozen dessert is a perfect solution for long hot days in the summer, and calcium supplements for you.
Sushi is generally not recommended for pregnant women, but as long as you prepare raw fish and cook it yourself, there is no reason to avoid it. In fact, seaweed is a great source of calcium, so rolling your own seaweed with anything you like will make a simple, healthy and easy meal.
Green smoothie
Made with spinach, a high-calcium vegetable, smoothies are actually a healthy food. Adding chia seeds and using yoghurt or yogurt instead of apple juice even has more calcium.
Yogurt and berry (berry)
Yogurt is your best friend if you are trying to increase your calcium intake. These delicious yogurt with berries will be perfect for you

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