8 Basics About Ovarian Cysts For The Community
What is Ovarian cysts?
Is a pouch containing fluid or other tissue, formed from inside or on the surface of the ovary. Ovarian cysts are very common. May occur from the time of infancy until.
Most ovarian cysts are benign (not cancerous), which can go away on their own without treatment. In rare cases, ovarian cysts are malignant (cancer)
Different types of ovarian cysts?
Functional cysts: The most common type. Usually without symptoms. Functional cysts usually disappear within 6 to 8 weeks without treatment
Epidermal cysts: This type of cyst contains many different types of tissue such as skin, hair,

Glandular cyst: This type of tumor is usually on the surface of the ovary. It usually grows rapidly but is usually benign
Endometriosis cysts: This type of cyst forms in relation to endometriosis (You can read more "".
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
In most cases, ovarian cysts have no symptoms.
Many cases are detected during routine gynecological examinations or when imaging tests are done for other reasons.
Some cysts may cause dull ache in the abdomen or pain in specific operating positions
Large cysts can twist the entire ovary causing sudden unilateral pain.

Ovarian cysts may burst or bleed causing severe and sudden pain
How to diagnose ovarian cysts?
The doctor will examine your gynecology and think you may have ovarian cysts, which may allow you to have additional tests:
: is a test that uses ultrasound to create images of internal organs. A device called a transducer is placed on the abdomen or into the vagina. The ultrasound image shows the shape, size, fluid properties and location of the cyst.
: You may have a blood test to look for tumor markers to assess the potential for ovarian cysts.
How is ovarian cyst treated?
There are many methods to treat ovarian cysts. Which method to choose depends on the type of ovarian cyst and other related factors. Treatment options may be follow-up, if the cyst is enlarged or symptomatic may require surgery
How to track?
Watch for ovarian cysts by echoing the ultrasound to see if the cysts have changed in size or nature.
Your obstetrician or gynecologist will decide when an ultrasound is needed and when a follow-up visit is needed.

Many cysts go away on their own after 2 to 3 menstrual cycles without treatment.
When do I need surgery?
Surgery may be considered when the tumor is large or has symptoms or suspicion of cancer.
The type of surgery depends on many factors including:
Cyst size
Patient age
Desire to have children
Family history associated with breast or ovarian cancer
Cystectomy or cystectomy is surgery to remove a cyst from the ovary. In some cases, a lump of the ovary is also required, called an appendectomy, when the ovary on the same side is also removed.
How is surgery performed?
If the cyst is thought to be benign, minimally invasive surgery will be performed, also known as laparoscopic surgery.
Another type of surgery is called open surgery. The doctor will make a horizontal or vertical incision in the lower abdomen. Open surgery is performed when suspicion of malignant ovarian tumor or in some other special situations.

Contact your Obstetrician and Gynecologist for more information. Wish you good health.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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