Ultrasound In Pregnancy
What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound is energy in the form of sound waves. During each ultrasound, the transducers emit sound waves through the body. Sound waves reach tissues, fluids, and bones, then bounce back like a bounce. The probe captures these bouncing waves and converts them into images that we can see on the screen.
How to use ultrasound to take care of women's health?
Ultrasound is used to monitor pregnancy, as well as to diagnose and monitor unrelated medical conditions
How to use ultrasound during pregnancy?
Using ultrasound to observe the embryo inside the uterus. Through ultrasound, an ob-gyn or health care provider can assess the health and development of the fetus, monitor pregnancy and detect many birth defects. Ultrasound is also used to guide a thoracic biopsy and amniocentesis
Ultrasonic screening.

Ultrasound often.
Advanced ultrasound.
What is screening ultrasound?
Ultrasound screen to assess the physical development of the fetus, mainly detecting birth defects and gestational age. Screening ultrasound can also provide the following information:
The position, movement, breathing rate and heart rate of the fetus
Estimating fetal size and weight
The amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus
Placental position
Number of fetuses
At the appropriate location, the fetal gender can be known.
What is ultrasound usually?
Ultrasound is often used to answer a specific question. For example, ultrasound is often used to check the position of the fetus in the uterus during labor. When a woman has vaginal bleeding, will an ultrasound usually check for a still-beating heart? Or is each other low?
What is advanced ultrasound?
Advanced ultrasound is performed when a problem is suspected based on risk factors or other tests

How many times are needed for ultrasound during pregnancy?
Screening should be done at least once during pregnancy, usually in the 18–22 week gestation. Many women have an ultrasound during the first trimester. An ultrasound during the first trimester is not a screening ultrasound because it is too early to see the details of fetal organs and limbs. Early ultrasound is used to monitor:
Estimate gestational age
Help screen out some common genetic disorders
Count the number of pregnancies
Check fetal heart rate
Ectopic pregnancy test
How is ultrasound used in cases that are not related to pregnancy?
Ultrasound is used to create images of the pelvic organs so that abnormalities can be found and diagnosed. Ultrasound can:
Investigate a pelvic tumor (such as an ovarian cyst or fibroids)
Find the cause of a pelvic pain
Find the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding and other menstrual problems
Locate an IUD (IUD)
Diagnosis of causes of infertility
Follow up after treatment of infertility
In addition, ultrasound is used to check for signs of unclear mammograms, to guide breast biopsy procedures, and to assess breast tumors.
How is ultrasound done?
When gynecological ultrasound, the transducer will move on the abdominal cavity (gynecological ultrasound through the abdomen) or placed inside the vagina (vaginally ultrasound). Which type of ultrasound to use depends on the reason for the ultrasound and the type of image that the gynecologist or medical staff needs.

How does the gynecological ultrasound process go through the abdomen?
The patient lies in bed, revealing the abdomen from the lower part of the ribs to the hip. The doctor will apply a layer of gel to the patient's abdomen. This gel layer increases the contact of the transducer with the skin surface. The doctor will then use a hand-held probe to move along the abdomen to produce the image. Patients may need to drink several glasses of water for 2 hours before the scan. This helps fill the bladder, creating a "window" that makes the images of structures under and around the bladder (uterus and appendages) clearer.
How does the process of ultrasound recline the vagina?
The patient will be asked to change the hospital gown or reveal the entire lower back of the waist and urinate clean to empty the bladder before an ultrasound. The patient lies on his back, placing his legs on the stand, just like a gynecological exam.

Side effects of ultrasound?
Currently, there is no evidence for ultrasound to affect fetal development. No link has been found between ultrasound with birth defects, childhood cancer or later abnormal development in life. However, the effects of ultrasound can still be determined in the future. Therefore, ultrasound should be performed only when directed by the physician. Ultrasound should not be arbitrary during pregnancy.
Amniocentesis: this procedure uses ki. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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