Use Of Medication During Pregnancy
Translators: Tran Ha Minh Trung and Tran Thi Thu
Proofreading: BS. Bui Thi Phuong Loan
If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and want a healthy baby, avoiding medication during pregnancy is important. Drugs harmful to fetal development are not only illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine, but also common prescription drugs, along with stimulants like caffeine and alcohol. long term effects on the fetus.
Why are pregnant women warned against using medication?
Mothers may not have any serious problems or long-term effects after using the drug, but not always in the fetus
Many studies show that the use of drugs whether legal or not during pregnancy has a direct effect on the fetus

Using the medication during pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects, premature birth, low birth weight or stillbirth. Exposure to drugs such as marijuana and alcohol in the prenatal fetus has been shown to cause behavioral abnormalities in childhood. These drugs can also affect a child's memory and attention span

Although cocaine has an immediate impact on the mother, its effects on the fetus can last a lifetime. Babies born to cocaine-smoking mothers during pregnancy are often referred to as "incomplete babies" who often have physical and mental problems. According to the US National Institute for Drug Abuse, exposure to cocaine in the womb can lead to undetectable but serious deficiencies in the later child. These shortcomings often appear in the awareness, information processing and attention reduction in children. These are very important things that determine the success of a child not only in school but also in life.
What medications cause the most serious consequences for an unborn baby?
Most medicines used during pregnancy carry the risk of serious fetal consequences. For example, if a mother uses cocaine during pregnancy, the baby will have a small head defect and low IQ. At the same time, these babies are at a higher risk for birth defects of the urinary tract or heart.

Using cocaine or methamphetamine (also known as ice drug) increases the risk of early miscarriage. And these illegal drugs, if used in the later months of pregnancy, can cause preterm labor, low birth weight, irritability and difficulty eating and drinking.
Pregnant women who smoke marijuana face a higher risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. Smoking can cause developmental delays in children. And after birth, babies born to mothers who smoke marijuana during pregnancy may have a neonatal withdrawal syndrome with excessive crying and shivering.
How does smoking during pregnancy affect?
Smoking is a cause of many serious illnesses and premature deaths in the community. Pregnant women who smoke will pass nicotine and other carcinogenic chemicals to the developing fetus.

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Smoking women also affect the placenta. This is a matter of concern because the placenta provides the fetus with a source of nutrients. Babies can be underweight, premature and suffer from cleft palate. In addition, smoking during pregnancy and after birth is one of the causes of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Does drinking alcohol during pregnancy cause fetal alcoholism syndrome?
Fetal alcoholism syndrome (FAS) and Alcohol-induced fetal disorder (FASD) refer to a range of alcohol-induced disorders during pregnancy.

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