Vaccine In Pregnancy
Vaccine helps protect pregnant women and the fetus from vaccine preventable diseases. During pregnancy, immunized pregnant women will transmit protective antibodies (anti-infectious molecules) to the fetus before the baby is born. Immunization during pregnancy creates immunity against vaccine-preventable diseases during the first months of a baby's life, when the baby is too young to be vaccinated. As well as protecting the pregnant woman during pregnancy.
Types of vaccine for pregnant women
There are two types of routine vaccine recommended by the CDC during pregnancy:
Flu vaccine
During each pregnancy, women should inactivate injections (flu nose) to protect themselves and the fetus

Pertussis vaccine
Pregnant women should also (Tdap) during each pregnancy. Ideally, the vaccine should be given as early as possible but can be given at any time between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy so that pertussis antibodies can be passed back to the fetus. This vaccine is important to protect babies from pertussis until they are old enough to be vaccinated. Whooping cough can be life-threatening for babies - about half of newborns die from pertussis in hospitals. Tdap is also recommended for adults, including the elderly, who have high contact with children. Many vaccine-preventive diseases are rare in the United States but are still common in other parts of the world. A pregnant woman planning to travel abroad should talk with her doctor about which vaccines to inject
Zika and pregnant women
can be passed from mother to child and can cause severe birth defects such as microcephaly.

Vaccine for pregnant women is safe
High security
The vaccines have been carefully monitored for many years and are confirmed safe for pregnant women and their babies. The evidence of scientific research for decades has shown that: In addition to safety, Tdap and the flu vaccine also help protect mothers and their unborn babies from serious illnesses.
Minor undesirable effects
Vaccines, like any medicine, can have unwanted effects. However, these unwanted effects are usually mild and go away on their own. Undesirable effects of Tdap and influenza vaccine include: pain, redness, swelling at the injection site, muscle aches, fatigue, fever.

Federal agencies, including the CDC and the FDA, constantly monitor the safety of vaccines.
Vaccine after the baby is born
Postnatal vaccines are safe for pregnant women and babies, even while breastfeeding.
Women who have not had a Tdap shot should be vaccinated right after birth. Whooping cough vaccine is also recommended for families and people who have been in close contact with children.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chickenpox
Pregnant women who are not immune to Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chickenpox should be vaccinated before discharge.
Tdap vaccine and flu vaccine during pregnancy helps protect pregnant women and the fetus temporarily against vaccine preventable diseases.
Prepare before pregnancy
Before pregnancy, pregnant women should fully immunize all adult vaccines.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Very important for pre-pregnant women. Rubella infection during pregnancy can cause severe birth defects and severe, long-term complications, even stopping fetal development. Pregnant women may have a blood test before pregnancy to see if they are immune to the disease. If a woman has had an MMR vaccine since she was a baby, talk to a specialist. In cases where vaccination is required, the vaccine should be given at least 1 month before pregnancy.
Hepatitis B
A baby born to a mother has a high risk of getting hepatitis B during birth.

All vaccines used in pregnancy are safe for breastfeeding women.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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