Watercress And Miraculous Healing Effects
Health care - In the plants that have the ability to prevent cancer, in addition to varieties such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, few people know the wonderful effects of watercress in cancer prevention, especially especially cervical cancer and breast cancer in women.
With the above health benefits, Mr. Hippocrtes (the ancestor of modern medicine) built his hospital near a stream on a land filled with watercress and he took advantage of this green material. healing. Today we know watercress is a good vegetable for the body
The little known therapeutic use of watercress
Watercress's anti-cancer benefits are due to its ability to increase the level of antioxidants in the blood and protect DNA, against damage caused by harmful substances.

This mechanism is due mainly to glucosinolates, a phytochemical in watercress. When we chew them in the mouth, this substance is hydrolyzed to produce isothiocynates - active substances with powerful anti-cancer effects. Watercress is also an exceptionally rich source of nasturtiin, a precursor to isothiocyanate phennethyl. According to a study recently published in The British Journal of Nurition (UK), eating about 100g of watercress a day can prevent breast cancer as well as reduce the risk of cancer in general. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, watercress contains more vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and potassium than broccoli, apples and tomatoes
Research at the University of Ulster publishes the positive effects of eating watercress by measuring certain biomarkers related to cancer.


The carotenoid group in watercress provides lutein and zeaxantin, which are powerful antioxidants, especially beneficial for the eyes and heart. One cup of watercress contains 1900mg of lutein and zeaxanthin. A diet high in lutein and zeaxanthin limits the risk of macular degeneration, an age-related disease that can impair vision and cause blindness. For the cardiovascular system, people with high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in the blood will be less likely to develop atherosclerosis, while also preventing high cholesterol in the blood.
3. For skin treatment:
Eczema, scabies, ringworm, hair loss, scalp disease, wounds, boils, papules, ulcers, toothache, gingivitis. It can be used fresh as lettuce, or crushed for drinking juice, or rubbing fluid.

Hot summer, tired people, sneeze, use watercress, a handful (60g), wash, crush or crush, add water, filter and mix orally.
5. Worm treatment, detoxification, diuretic:
Use fresh watercress to crush the juice to drink, or use a handful of watercress, 3 onions, 2 radishes in 1 liter of water, drink water once a day between meals.
Note: Watercress is safe for most people, but if eaten in large quantities (> 100g / time) and for a long time, it can cause abdominal pain or kidney damage.
When using watercress in daily meals, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly and soak it in salt water to avoid infection with worms and worms.
Kim Dung. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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