Ways To Have A Good Night’s Sleep
Work and life stress makes it difficult to sleep at night. The tired body after each sleepless night makes you more drowsy. How to have a good night's sleep?
By simply changing a few habits, you can improve your sleep.
1. Don't take too many naps
Studies have shown that napping not only helps the body to be healthier, but also optimizes exercise and creativity
If you take a long nap, when you wake up you will feel tired, groggy, and even a little disoriented

2. Do not drink stimulants
A cup of coffee in the evening can keep you awake all night. The caffeine in coffee causes nerve stimulation, making it difficult to sleep. In addition to coffee, other beverages containing chocolate, cola, tea ..

In addition, alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, but it can also make you wake up at night, have nightmares during sleep, or feel a headache after waking up. . Therefore, you should not drink alcohol at night if you want to have a deep and good night's sleep. If you drink alcohol in the evening, then you should drink a glass of white water to help reduce the alcohol concentration.
3. Exercise
Exercising in the morning or evening will help you sleep better. Instead of hugging the TV, go for a walk, jog lightly, or cycle in the late afternoon.

4. Do not eat or drink much after 8 pm
Do not eat too much before going to bed, because that will make your stomach work lumbering all night. Even more dangerous is that you will easily become obese because that energy is not transferred anywhere.

5. Turn off the lights
Although many people like to turn on the lights when they sleep, sleeping in the dark is consistent with the natural circadian rhythm. Therefore, you will sleep more deeply and sleep better.
6. Add foods that help you sleep well
- Hot Milk: Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed really helps us fall asleep faster. This is because milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body relax.
Millet: Millet contains many nutrients, and the main ingredient that makes up millet is tryptophan.

- Tubers, lotus seeds: The lotus root contains a large amount of carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins ... that have a heat effect, nourish blood ... Can treat anemia, insomnia.

Lotus seeds are very delicious, beneficial for the heart, nourishing and sedating blood. In recent years, botanists have undergone trials and confirmations, in lotus seeds containing alkali, glycoside components and aroma components have sedative effects. After eating lotus seeds will promote excretion of insulin. This increases the supply of 5-hydroxytryptamine, which can help you fall asleep. Every night before going to bed, you can enjoy a bowl of lotus seeds with sugar, which is very beneficial for your health and sleep.
Oats: Many people think that oats are only good for breakfast, but not only that, oats are also good for the evening thanks to carbohydates that help the body release serotonin - a "good" hormone that helps reduce stress and bring. mellow mental state.
Sunflower seeds: rich in protein, sugars, vitamins, amino acids and unsaturated fats, specifically nourishing the liver, helping to lower blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.

Grapes: are foods containing the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Eating grapes regularly will help increase the rhythm - natural sleep of the body, helping you fall asleep faster.
Apples: Jujube has a sweet taste, containing sugar, protein, vitamin C, organic acids, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron ... which have tonic and sedative effects. Every night you can cook about 30g - 60g jujube for drinking water, which will be very beneficial for sleep.

7. "Detoxify" the brain
Don't put your worries or worries about work, relationships ... to sleep. They will make it difficult for you to sleep because when your brain is inhibited, even if you do well with all of the above, you will not be able to fall asleep.
At least 2 hours before going to bed, share with someone all the things you're thinking about, get rid of all the troublesome tasks, or even write down a list of "things that bother me. sedimentation ".

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