What To Do When The Pregnancy Due Date?
What is the expected date of birth and what does it mean?
Your expected date of birth is used as a guide to check your pregnancy progress as well as your baby's growth and age. Doctors often use several methods to determine an expected date of birth.
How is the pregnancy beyond the date?
It is a pregnancy that lasts up to 42 weeks or more. Women who are pregnant for the first time or who have been pregnant past the previous day may give birth later than expected. However, the most common cause of overdue pregnancy is due to errors in calculating the expected date of birth
What are the risks associated with overdue pregnancy?
After 42 weeks, the placenta ceases to function as well as it did early in pregnancy. In addition, as the fetus develops, the amount of amniotic fluid begins to decrease

If the pregnancy exceeds 42 weeks, the baby may be at an increased risk for certain problems, such as adult syndrome, giant syndrome or meconium aspiration. Besides, the possibility of cesarean section is also higher.
Illustration: Pregnant beyond expected date of birth (Image source:
What tests can be done in case of overdue pregnancy?
When a baby is not born on the expected date of birth, tests should be done to help the doctor check the health of the fetus. Some tests, like counting the number of fetuses, can be done at home. Counting the number of pregnancies is a record of how often you feel your baby moving.
Other tests are done at the doctor's office or in the hospital. These tests involve fetal heart monitoring using an electronic fetal monitoring and include non-stress test, biophysical profille and seizure test

What is fetal heart monitoring using electronics (Electronic fetal monitoring)?
The technique of monitoring fetal heart by electronic tape uses 2 recorders placed around the mother's abdominal cavity to hold tools to help measure fetal heart rate and contraction of the uterus. This method is used to conduct the following tests of fetal fitness:
Non stress test - The mother presses the button whenever she feels the baby is moving. This will create a marker on the heart rate paper.
Biophysical profile - This test combines the results of fetal heart monitoring with electronic and ultrasound tape recording. This will check your baby's heart rate (based on a non-pressure test) and assess the amount of amniotic fluid. Your baby's breathing, movement and muscle tone were also checked.
Stress contraction test - A child's heart rate is measured when the mother's uterus has contractions. Contractions are performed and changes in the fetal heart rate are noted.

What is labor induction?
The use of drugs or other methods to induce labor. Labor is triggered to make the woman's cervix open and prepare for vaginal delivery. Most physicians wait about 1-2 weeks after the expected due date to consider labor induction.
How is labor induction performed?
The methods used to induce labor include:
Softening or dilating the cervix - Prostaglandin can be used to soften the cervix and make the uterus contract. Special devices may be used to widen the cervix.
Amniocentesis - A doctor will sweep a finger over to separate the thin film that connects the amniotic sac into the wall of your uterus. Women who undergo this procedure increase their contractility and are able to deliver labor within 48 hours.
Amniocentesis - The doctor will make a small opening in the amniotic sac to drain the amniotic fluid ("breaking the water").

Using oxytocin - This hormone is given intravenously in the arm, causing the uterus to contract.
Interpretation of terms
Amniotic fluid: The water in the bag around the fetus stays in the mother's womb.
Caesarean: A child born through a caesarean section in the abdomen and uterus of the mother.
Adult Disorders Syndrome: A condition in which the fetus is poorly nourished. The baby was born with a long and skinny body, a frightened face, lots of hair, long nails and thin wrinkled skin.
Obesity: A condition in which the fetus grows very large.
Meconium aspiration: A condition in which a child inhales a green substance that forms in the intestinal tract of the developing fetus.

Placenta: Tissue responsible for nourishing and removing waste from the fetus.
Prostaglandins: A chemical produced by the body that has many effects, including causing the muscles of the uterus to contract, often causing cramping pain.
Ultrasound: A test in which sound waves are used to check the fetus.
Umbilical cord: A cord-like structure containing blood vessels that link the fetus and the placenta.
Uterus: A muscle q. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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