What You Need To Know About Calcium During Pregnancy
Calcium is not only a component of bone formation but also plays an important role in maintaining healthy muscle tissue and ensuring the function of the nervous system. Getting enough calcium during pregnancy is essential for fetal development.
In a way, being pregnant is like baking a cake. This cake takes 9 months to cook, making you indigestion, gas and the process of getting out of the oven is more painful than just putting on the gloves and opening the oven door to take the cake out.
The development of a fetus is not the same as baking a cake, except that it also requires an accurate blend of ingredients to give the fetus the best start
The role of calcium in your body
Calcium is an essential chemical element for all living things - especially us! First of all, calcium is needed for healthy teeth and bones, as well as playing an important role in nerve function, muscle tissue, blood clotting, heart function and enzyme activity

The reason you need to get the right amount of calcium through your diet is important because when your body doesn't get enough calcium through your diet, it will start getting calcium from your bones. If you lack calcium for a long time, your bones will become brittle and weak, leading to serious disorders like osteoporosis.
Calcium and pregnancy
Studies show that the first 1000 days of a baby's life - from fertilization through age 2 - is a crucial time for a child's development. During this time, the baby is developing the basic building blocks that will shape future health. Several important research findings from previous decades are proposed to support this hypothesis:
Poor maternal nutrition affects the baby's weight (prenatal weight) in the womb and the performance of the placenta.
The lower the birth weight, the higher the risk of developing cardiovascular disease later.
Smoking cigarettes, stress, drugs, alcohol can also take away the long-term health of the baby in the future
Malnourished fetuses will lead to the development of certain parts of the body and will yield the blood from lower parts to distribute to the brain.

Calcium is an important nutrient for fetal development. In addition to helping your child grow, a 2010 study from the University of North Carolina found that getting enough calcium early in life could help fight obesity later.
When you're pregnant, your baby's calcium needs will come from your own bones - calcium will be removed from your bones to support fetal development. If you are a teenager, your bones are still growing, if you are pregnant and breastfeeding at this stage, you should add calcium to support the development of the fetus as well as yourself. For women over 18, the amount of calcium needed during pregnancy is similar to that needed for adults.
The recommended amount of calcium and sources of calcium
The daily calcium intake for adolescent pregnant women is 1300 mg and for pregnant women over 18 is 1,000 mg.
Seaweeds like kelp, wakame and hijiki
Nuts like hazelnuts, pistachios, and sesame seeds
Kinds of bean
Dandelion leaf
Breakfast cereal fortified with calcium
Calcium supplements such as soy milk
Crushed eggshell (may be in the form of a powder added to food and drink)
See more:.

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