Why Does Your Baby Cry And How To Handle It?
When your baby is young, crying is the only way to communicate with parents, through which they want to communicate their needs, and also a way to respond to parents.
But sometimes it's hard to know what your child needs. As children get older, they will learn other ways to communicate with their parents. For example, your baby will make better eye contact, make noise and smile.
But in a time when your baby is only able to communicate by crying, you need to understand what your baby needs
The baby cries because of hunger
Hunger is one of the most common reasons for crying, especially in infants. The smaller you cry the more hungry
The baby's stomach is small and cannot hold much, so it will starve very quickly.

If breastfed with formula, your baby may not need extra milk for at least two hours after the feed. However, each child is different. Some babies like to eat less at each meal but prefer to feed several times. In this case, you can try feeding closer together.
If your baby doesn't stop crying right away but still wants to suck, let him continue to feed
Just because he wants to cry
When your baby is less than 4 months old, he may cry more at night or in the evening.

Prolonged crying in healthy babies is sometimes called colic. Your baby may cry to blush and nothing will make him comfortable. In addition to crying, your baby may have uncomfortable expressions such as clenching their fists, bending their knees and arching their backs.
Some suggest that there is a link between colic and abdominal problems, which may be due to allergies or something intolerant in breast milk or formula.
Today, we have a better understanding of what it means to be a colic cry. Some experts suggest that colic is not related to abdominal problems. This crying has the following symptoms:
The crest of crying.

Crying suddenly. A crying can come and go without knowing why.
Can't be coaxed. Unfortunately, no matter what you try, your baby may still not stop crying.
The face looks like it's in pain. Your child may be in pain, but it may not be so.
The crying time is long.

Night. Your child often cries more in the evening or at night.
Having a crying baby is really stressful in the family. However, there are several methods to help you cope, which will be discussed in the next section.
Babies cry because they need to be cuddled
Babies need a lot of cuddling, interaction from parents and a sense of security. Therefore, crying may also be due to the desire to cuddle.
Clapping and singing lullaby while you cuddle your baby will help them feel more comfortable.

When you cuddle your baby, she can be comforted by her own heartbeat, warmth, and body odor. You can try using babywearing to keep your baby on your side longer.
Babies cry from tiredness and need to rest
Babies often will have trouble sleeping, especially when they're too tired. After having a baby, you will quickly recognize what signs are when your child is sleepy. Such as uneasiness, crying even with the slightest irritation, staring into space and becoming silent.
Paying too much attention to visitors can irritate your baby and make it difficult to sleep. Before bedtime, try putting your baby in a quiet room that can help her fall asleep.
Baby cry because it's cold or hot
You can check if your baby is getting hot or cold by feeling his / her belly.

Use a sheet or net blanket to make a baby's bed or crib. If you feel your baby's stomach is too hot, remove some blankets.
Take care not to wear too many clothes because it can cause your baby to overheat. In general, babies usually need only one layer of clothing to wear.
Babies cry because they need changing diapers
Your baby will react if the diaper is wet or soiled. Some children also don't notice this unless their skin feels irritated.

If your baby doesn't seem to like changing diapers. This may be because when you change a diaper, your baby feels strange because of the cold air on the skin. You should be able to solve this problem in a few weeks. When you know how to change diapers professionally and quickly. If that doesn't work, try changing the diaper with a song or toy that your baby can see and notice.
Babies cry because they are not feeling well
When babies are sick, most babies cry but with a very different crying voice than before. Babies may cry weaker, may cry more violently, cry continuously or with high timbre (crying patterns). If the baby cries a lot then it becomes unusually silent.

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