
  • Almost every drug is metabolized in the liver, so if there is a problem with the liver, it will inevitably be affected by the medicine. Some drugs also have serious and typical levels of hepatitis ... The liver is easily affected The liver is a special detox and antitoxic organ of the body. The ...
  • The concern of pregnant women is always how to prevent children from birth defects. To prevent birth defects, the mother should eat plenty of folic acid supplements. Eating something delicious, nutritious, and cheap is the concern of many people in general. And for pregnant women, this concern is ...
  • Many foods reduce wrinkles by combining them in daily meals to make your skin healthier, brighter, and more natural. Here are 10 foods to help reduce wrinkles in the skin: Omega-3 rich eggs Omega-3 rich eggs are provided by chickens raised with Omega-3 fatty acid foods such as flax seeds, soybeans, ...
  • Gout is one of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The cause is usually caused by deposition of uric acid in joints causing swelling, heat, painful redness, limiting movement. According to doctors at Hopital General Hospital, the number of patients with gout who are admitted to treatment ...
  • Ask: I was 5 months pregnant, from about the 3rd month back, I have constant headache (but no nausea, only dull, intense pain). I am very worried, do not know if headaches affect the fetus, can I take headache medicine? (Nguyen Thi To Lan - 27 years old, Luc Yen, Yen Bai) Reply: With the symptoms ...
  • Question: My wife, who has had breast cancer, received surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, and has been prescribed medicine for 3 years. The disease is stable but in recent periodic examinations, the blood test for CA 15-3 is higher than normal (40, 48, 80). Please ask, what is the significance of ...
  • Question: Recently I feel very tired, sometimes feel no energy, people are always in a state of floating like walking in the clouds, or having sore throat, losing weight, or forgetting. I went to many places but I couldn't find the disease Please ask: What illness am I? (Vu Van Hai - Hai ...
  • Question: In the cold season, I often cough, not yet one batch after another. I hope the doctors advise me how to prevent disease. (Tran Thi Thu - Nghe An) Answer Ho is a good reaction of the body to remove sputum and foreign matter from the lungs and or throat. However, prolonged coughing will ...
  • Natural masks are a great choice for your skin. Here are some formulas you can use to make masks for your face skin. Natural mask for oily skin This recipe is easy to make. To prepare, you will need a dedicated tablespoon of green clay, half a tablespoon of grapefruit juice and one tablespoon of ...
  • Not a few people, including young men, after having sex, suffer from an indescribable back pain that traditional medicine calls "prevention of love". According to modern medicine, the cause may be due to unreasonable posture, excessive time and intensity of activity causing the lumbar muscle ...
  • Dental care should not stop just because you are pregnant. In fact, it is more important to have a dental check-up because when you're pregnant, you're at greater risk for tooth decay, gum disease and other problems. But what about the tooth extraction? The following article will answer those ...
  • In the past, the main subjects of gynecological diseases were married women, but this rate is increasing among girls who have never had sex. Even if there are manifestations such as: Excessive abnormal discharge, itching, burning in the vulva; bad air has a foul odor, unusual colors, only a few ...
  • Usually babies begin teething in the 6th month, but may also be earlier (month 5) or later (July - August). However, when teething, most children often have symptoms such as drooling, anorexia, fussing, difficulty sleeping, sucking on fingers, and like to bite solid objects. Sometimes the child may ...
  • Iron is essential for the human body. Saying that free iron doesn't mean it's free to move around in body fluids. Iron is closely linked to every biological molecule so it attaches to cell membranes, nucleic acids, proteins, etc. The drug contains iron In animals, iron binds in heme complexes - an ...
  • Also known as winter melon [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.], The zucchini can use many parts to make medicine: Fruit meat (frozen through the flesh: the part between the skin and the flesh). fruit skin (frozen through the skin), squash seeds (frozen through the skin). According to traditional ...