Iron Tablets And Prevention Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron is essential for the human body. Saying that free iron doesn't mean it's free to move around in body fluids. Iron is closely linked to every biological molecule so it attaches to cell membranes, nucleic acids, proteins, etc.
The drug contains iron
In animals, iron binds in heme complexes - an essential component of cytochromes, proteins involved in oxidation - reduction reactions and of oxygen transport proteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Iron is supplemented for those who need it in the form of iron fumarate (II)

. In the group of anti-anemia drugs, iron is supplemented in many oral forms in combination with folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.
In addition, oral forms also supplement iron with the form of amino acids, ascorbate, gluconate or sulfate depending on the preparation. Particularly the form of injectable iron has less use
Currently used is iron sucrose (dextran) and is used only in higher level hospitals (classes 1 and 2).

Iron Tablets And Prevention Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Diet is closely related to a number of conditions in children, the most common of which is iron deficiency anemia. According to the World Health Organization, about 30-80% of children in developing countries suffer from iron deficiency anemia. According to a survey by the National Institute of Nutrition, the rate of iron-deficiency anemia among Vietnamese children under 2 years old is about 50%.
Children with anemia will have motor mental retardation, reduced immunity, and by the time they reach school age they will have reduced language development, motor skills, coordination activities and decreased IQ. from 5 to 10 points. One of the causes of iron deficiency anemia is because the diet provides inadequate iron for the body.
Prevention of iron deficiency anemia
Iron absorption is influenced by many different factors

An important factor is the form of iron in food.

Iron Tablets And Prevention Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Heme is the main component of hemoglobin to make red blood cells. Heme iron is more abundant in animal-based foods and is more easily absorbed than non-heme iron (non-heme) of plant origin.
Iron-rich foods in the form of heme include seafood like clams, blood cockles, oysters, shrimp, fish ... animal organs such as pig liver, chicken liver, beef liver. Children should eat enough of the above foods and beef, chicken, eggs to get enough iron.
Some non-heme iron-rich foods, such as cereal flour, freshly cooked beans, pumpkin seeds, molasses, green vegetables like water spinach, asparagus, etc.

Iron Tablets And Prevention Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

The absorption of non-heme iron may be is increased when taken with iron-containing foods in the form of heme in the same meal. In addition, substances that increase iron absorption can also help increase the absorption of non-heme iron.
Care should be taken to avoid eating with foods that inhibit iron absorption. Eat plenty of substances that increase the absorption of iron such as meat, fish, poultry, fruits: vitamin C, oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes, vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, green pepper and red pepper ...
Substances that reduce iron absorption are red wine, coffee, tea, beets, radishes, and soy products. Choosing a diet of iron-rich foods can help your baby prevent iron-deficiency anemia.

Iron Tablets And Prevention Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

However, it should be noted that if the child is fed with iron-rich foods and still looks pale, the child should be examined by a doctor to screen for causes such as hookworm infection and stomach ulcers. , menopause at puberty or hereditary congenital anemia.
Mothers need to pay attention to the nutritional components of children's meals. Feed children diverse, change dishes, supplement vegetables and fruits properly. Avoid making your child eat only a few favorite foods that cause micronutrient imbalances in the diet, causing illnesses that affect the child's development. For pregnant mothers, iron supplementation should be consulted by a physician and used iron anemia medicine as directed..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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