Many people think that crying is a good mental release and can help restore emotional balance to people. However, the reality is not so? According to a new study by scientists from the Institute of Psychology, University of South Florida, USA, crying is not as healthy as some people think. On the ...
After a hard working day, coming home to take care of the kitchen, the house ... will make you look tired and get old very quickly. Use these 5 tips to maintain long-term youth. 1. In the evening, take a shower and massage your head while using shampoo, try to wash your hair with cool water if ...
Question: Recently, my child with mumps had to drop out of school to avoid spreading it to other children. So far, my child has been helping but I don't know if this disease will cause any dangerous complications, please consult my doctor? (Nguyen Ha Hai - Nam Dinh) Reply Mumps is caused by a virus ...
Elderly people due to decreased intestinal motility, reduced secretion should constipation. Therefore, a high proportion of the elderly use laxatives. When a drug is used together with laxatives, it is likely that the drug will be ejected early (because laxatives increase intestinal motility) ...
Eucalyptus also known as compassionate, brown, ... scientific name Pluchea indica Less belongs to chrysanthemum family (Compositae). In our country, the trees grow wild and are planted everywhere, often planted as fences and taken as medicinal leaves. Small trees 2-3m high, thin branches; The ...
Question: I am 20 years old, I sometimes have diarrhea in the past two months. The anus has a small lump of peanuts. Do you have hemorrhoids? What to do to get well? (Hoang Thanh Dung - Hai Phong) Reply According to the letter she described, she most likely had hemorrhoids. This is a fairly common ...
Let's look at the points and risks at different ages of pregnancy 20, 30, 40 ... to decide when you will have a baby. All experts say there is no specific time to build a family but there are pros and cons when you are pregnant at different ages. Here are the pros and cons of pregnancy by age that ...
In addition to nutritional values, breast milk also gives children a plentiful source of antibodies, helping children prevent disease in the first years of life. It is a sad fact that breastfeeding is getting less and less attention. Specifically in Viet Nam, in the last decade only, the percentage ...
Cold hands and feet, regardless of the weather, are a warning sign of physical health. You are not subjective with this situation. The cause of cold limbs - Circulatory system in the body is "malfunctioning": The ability of the heart to work also significantly reduced. Unstable blood circulation ...
The condition of the hair reflects the internal health of the body. Diseases and some medications can stop the hair's source of life, causing them to become dry and ‘die’ gradually. Explain the number of people suffering from hair loss is increasing. However, regardless of the cause, hair loss will ...
Back pain is a manifestation of many different ailments in the human body. But the most obvious, most common cause of back pain is spinal degeneration. And if people are born, grow up, and age, degeneration of the spine is also natural with age and years. It is important to know how to practice and ...
According to the aging of the body, the bone density of the elderly also decreases. As a result, even a small accident can cause old people to fracture. To overcome this situation, calcium supplements for the elderly through daily nutrition. Consequences of osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a systemic ...
Hepatitis B is a disease spread in the community through sex, blood transfusion and from mother to child, which is mainly from mother to child. Vietnam is a country with a high proportion of people infected with hepatitis B, accounting for about 15% - 20% of the population. It is worth mentioning ...
Postpartum osteoporosis is a common condition of many women. According to the explanation of the doctors, after going through pregnancy and lactation, the mother's body must provide a huge source of calcium for fetal development and breastfeeding. Therefore, they lose their calcium quickly if they ...
Mao Huang went to medicine in treating cardiovascular in a fairly central position. But unfortunately besides the ability to save people instantly, it can also kill people in just moments ... Why do plants go into medicine? Cilantro is a tree that grows into small groves about 50cm tall. The top of ...