
  • Alveolar dilatation (or emphysema) is a permanent and irreversible dilatation lesion in the walls of the lower airways of the bronchi. Diseases that cause pulmonary relaxation and an imbalance between elastase resolution and resistance to elastaza are the causes of alveolar dilatation. What ...
  • Question: I have 2 children, one to 3, one to 7. Recently, I saw some neighbors with virus fever, I was very worried. So when children have viral fever, how to handle? (Mai Thanh Hiep - Lang Son) Reply: Most viral illnesses do not yet have a specific drug, mainly symptomatic treatment, for viral ...
  • When eating seafood, we often throw away parts that seem to have no effect like cuttlefish, crabs, shells ... But those residues are the medicine that is popular in ancient medicine. Transmission and folk experience. Mai cuttlefish Cuttlefish is taken from cuttlefish. Use only thick, white, chalky ...
  • Once upon a time there was the phrase "The first sore eyes, the second sore teeth". Although toothache is not dangerous, it is very painful and extremely painful. There are many causes of toothache such as tooth decay, gingivitis, unscientific eating, etc. Adults and children all suffer from it, ...
  • Before and after pregnancy, pregnant women often have back pain, so the knowledge about limiting back pain for pregnant women below will help eliminate persistent back pain and fatigue. Back pain of women during pregnancy Causes of back pain during pregnancy Spinal curvature and pressure due to ...
  • Prostate enlargement is a common disease in middle-aged men and older, the higher the incidence. The reason is that the prostate enlarges, compresses the flow, depending on the severity of the disease, making it difficult for the person to urinate, to urinate, to urinate, to urinate many times at ...
  • Restoring the perfect condition to your skin is not too difficult. Try these homemade beauty recipes to quickly get the beautiful skin you want. Learning about natural beauty treatments, which are extremely useful is the best thing you can do to make your skin flawless. Getting rid of wrinkles and ...
  • You wonder how to move properly and safely for the fetus during pregnancy. Travel trips, visiting relatives or simply going to work with a fairly long distance also make you hesitate. Some of the detailed tips below will help you. Moving on land Road vehicles such as cars, buses and trains are ...
  • Infants to the teething stage often have characteristic symptoms such as fever, fussing, coughing ... and especially "walking". Teething children worry many mothers but this is a normal phenomenon for some children. Understanding the causes, as well as the signs and treatments that make it easier ...
  • The following yoga exercises are introduced to help bring the feeling of being active in a relaxed, refreshing, anti-sickness and fatigue manner. Preparing posture: Stand up straight, your legs are closed, hands moving along the body - Gently exhale, put your hands together in front of your chest, ...
  • Elbow arthritis is a common disease. Traditional medicine has many effective treatments for this disease. In this article, we will introduce the inhalation, topical, topical and some dishes to help treat disease for readers to refer. The inhalation, topical medicines: - Onion 20g, 6g old ginger, ...
  • Ask: If a woman is over 40 years old and has had an MRI scan (with a child more than 1 year old with brain disease at the doctor's request), despite their advanced age, they still want to give birth to another child. So I would like to ask such a woman should give birth again? And is there any ...
  • Ask: After eating, I often have heartburn, very uncomfortable and guilty ... Please ask is there any way to limit this phenomenon? (Nguyen Van Long - Thai Nguyen) Reply Heartburn is a burning sensation in the lower chest, accompanied by a sour, bitter taste in the mouth and pharynx. The cause of ...
  • When it gets cold, because children are very sensitive to changes in outside temperatures, they often lead to a sudden drop in body temperature. This will also deplete the body's energy and facilitate the development of pathogenic viruses. However, this does not mean that children should not be ...
  • Not only helps skin beauty, tea also works to eliminate body odor very well. If before, you only knew how to apply tea bags to your eyes to reduce puffiness, then it is possible that the following beauty methods will help you take advantage of more uses from tea. Tea contains polyphenols that have ...