Children Walk, Teething – Should Be Worried?

Infants to the teething stage often have characteristic symptoms such as fever, fussing, coughing ... and especially "walking". Teething children worry many mothers but this is a normal phenomenon for some children

. Understanding the causes, as well as the signs and treatments that make it easier for parents to take care of their children.
What is teething?
Surfing, also known as going out in children, is a condition that often appears when children teething. This is a fairly normal phenomenon, the reaction of the body marks a new development of children

Depending on the health condition of the child, it may take several times a day.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

For children with weak health, they can go from 5 to 7 times a day, but for normal children, this number is less than 2 to 3 times.
Signs of young children walking when teething
Signs of how teething children are a problem many parents are concerned about. Because many people are unable to distinguish between teething babies and bacterial diarrhea, it is often quite worrying when the defecation is too much a day.
Children with teething problems often have frequent bowel movements, loose stools, sour smell, without mucus and blood. This condition lasts no more than 4 days. In addition, teething symptoms are accompanied by other signs such as drooling, hand or mouth objects, fatigue, and dehydration.
Children with teething problems often have frequent bowel movements, loose stools, sour smell, without mucus and blood
Children with teething diarrhea may be accompanied by a mild fever below 38
5 ° C due to gingivitis, gum cracking.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

If your child has diarrhea with a fever higher than 39 ° C, even if the fever has been reduced but relapses fever again, parents should take the baby to the hospital for an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment.
For children with diarrhea due to digestive disorders, this condition may last up to 1 week or more. Children with loose stools, with a fishy or sour odor, bubbling, mucus, sometimes with blood. In addition, children will be dehydrated quickly, tired, fussy, not eating, not playing ...
At this time parents need to take the baby to see a doctor to find out the cause because this time make sure the child has diarrhea not due to teething.
Is swimming in children dangerous or not?
Any abnormalities in young children that are not tracked in time will have huge consequences because their immunity is weak.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

When children are slippery, but parents do not know how to handle properly, it will greatly affect the health of children. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to monitor and monitor, if children walk a lot, the smell is unpleasant, there is mucus / blood, which means the child is having digestive disorders leading to diarrhea. Need to quickly take children to the nearest hospital or medical facility for timely examination and treatment.
If the child is traveling a lot, has an unpleasant odor, has mucus / blood, they should be taken to a hospital or medical facility for prompt treatment.
How long does it take for children to go away?
If it is just teething, this situation occurs about one to two days before and after teething. Depending on the child's resistance, this may be longer or shorter by a few days. After this time, the young body will recover and develop normally.
If a child has long and frequent trips, parents should not leave their children at home to take care of themselves, but should visit medical facilities immediately.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

Teething tips for baby teeth
When children go to teething, parents can improve children's meals with nutritious foods to help children recover quickly.
Teething children should eat nothing
Babies go teething when teething at the age of not eating, the mother should provide enough nutrients to breastfeed. This is the best way to help your baby cure the disease.
If the child is in the weaning age, the mother should cook some thin foods, like, fruit juice for the baby. Here are some food suggestions when your child slips:
- Foods from oats such as oatmeal, oatmeal, oat milk or yogurt with oat ingredients ... will help the baby's digestive system better.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

- Foods containing a lot of protein and calcium such as eggs, fish, beef, pork ... Moms should be pureed to make it easier for babies to swallow.
When children go to teething, parents can improve children's meals with nutritious foods to help children recover quickly.
- Green vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals good for the digestive system such as spinach, cauliflower, chips, potatoes ...

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

- Coconut water is a teething food that parents should not ignore. To increase electrolytes for babies, parents can add a little salt but should not be abused. It is best for the baby to drink in the morning, no more than 2 fruits a day.
What should children eat when traveling?
For babies who are still breastfeeding, mothers should not eat a lot of foods high in sugar, carbonated drinks, stimulants….
For children who eat weaning, parents should not overdo functional foods, foods should eat above. Because you want the best health for your child, you should set up your diet accordingly so that your baby will not be slippery anymore.
Treatment of tooth erosion for children
Toddlers due to sprouting will have different treatments depending on their condition. However.

Children Walk, Teething - Should Be Worried?

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